Wow this guy has some balls (or is crazy)! Life savings at the roulette table!

Dec 29, 2005
The most famous roulette story has to be that of Chris Boyd, a 40 year-old computer programmer from England. In January of 1994, Chris followed his dream tothe casinos of Las Vegas for the ultimate roulette spin.

Chris had saved $136,000 over a three year period, and wanted to put it all on one spin of the wheel. He searched around Las Vegas for a casino that wouldactually take his bet. With refusals from most of the major casinos, Chris was referred to Binion's Horseshoe Club. The Horseshoe Club had a limit of$100,000 on a red/black bet, but they agreed to accept his wager. The casino also agreed to block out the double-zero on the wheel as this didn't exist inthe European version of the game that Chris was used to playing.

Chris chose to place his bet on red. The casino and the dealer agreed to a few practice spins to ensure that full fairness for everyone concerned, and thenthe big spin came...
Ain't no way in hell I'd take a risk like that.

I'm glad he didn't lose his money.
Son faced some long odds. i know if i did that i wouldnt have all those cameras around.

what if dude loses? he really gonna show the world that he lost all his ins?
he saved 136k over 3 years?

i wouldnt call that life savings....

but that is still a crazy bet.
If he was a real man, he'd go double or nothing
i've always thought about doing something crazy like that...prolly on 1 blackjack hand or somethin.
Why in the vid the name is Ashley Revell? Am i missing something?
If dude was able to save that much over three years, I doubt he'd be hurting for cash if he lost. You never know though...
Originally Posted by htwn hitman

@ casinos NOT wanting to take his money and
@ always bet on black
i think this guy is pretty happy with not betting on black
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I wouldn't call 136k saved in 3 years life savings...........

still a risky bet though

it's all he had = life savings.
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