WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

at the clarity and speed of that gif

the internet gets busy
I love this match so far, and JR calling it makes it that much better.

A sign of blood on Taker's forehead, the hard way.

Taker seems to be working and moving pretty well.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

How can undertaker keep this pace with a gut!?!?
It's because he's a deadman and his body doesn't need oxygen to work, so therefore he never gets winded/tired..

HHH going in with those chair shots. I wish they wouldn't have banned head shots.
HOLY %%@#, HHH just hit Taker with a spinebuster on the ring steps.  God damn.  Then Taker locked on the Hells Gate, but HHH pulled a Rampage Jackson and powerbombed his way out of it.
HHH with a steel chair, cracked it over Taker's back.  Taker is taking a ton of punishment thus far.  Must be nice to only have to work one day a year.

Both men have small cuts the hardway.

HHH is destroying Taker with a steel chair.  HBK trying to stop him, but HHH won't stop.  Crowd booing.

HHH yelled at Shawn that if Shawn wants him to stop then he needs to call off the match.

HBK was tending to Taker, but HHH pulled Shawn out of the way and HHH kept attacking.  Taker yelled at him to not stop it.

This match is telling an AMAZING story.
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