WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

My Mom told me Marc Mero is gonna be speaking at her church in like 2 weeks out in Minneapolis.
if you go to a wwe show. and chant this is awesome to anything other than the Bella's,Lana, noami or any diva besides Paige getting naked. or stone cold coming out and stunnering Cena you should jump off a bridge. you ruin the viewing experience for me. because you are either too stupid to realize what the word awesome actually means. or you are a stupid mark who doesn't know any better.
Didn't watch it all but the crowd seemed white hot. Sucks that the show itself was a disappointment.
is there anyone more pointless than sheamus? his haircut is terrible. I never thought it was possible for a big tall ugly pale ginger to be uglier. but that hair cut and the beard dreads have done it. he can be a heel a face a tweener a ref or a manager and he still does nothing for me. I rather listen to mr t give his acceptance speech every night than hear or see him wrestle.
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