Wrestling fans, What dumb wrestling misconceptions did you think were real ...

Jun 14, 2006
I found this thread on facebook and some of the replies are hilarious, figured I'd bring it here. Some replies were ...

The big boss man was really a C.O, Mr. Perfect had a workout gym somewhere in the back. And that gold dust was a ******

Thought Vince really blew up and died in the limo

That Kane legit set Good Old J.R. on fire...upon further inspection, it was a stuffed dummy on fire and a track of him screaming

Def thought the ultimate warrior was stuck in the casket when undertaker put him in there n the spent the whole episode of superstars to get him out

My cousin cried the whole episode :lol:

That Randy Savage crushed Ricky Steamboat's throat when he came off the top rope and hit him in the throat with the bell.

Couple examples :lol:

What NT got ...
Lex Lugar really had a steel plate in his elbow .

Ultimate Warrior was like that 24/7 :lol:
If a mod can switch it there, be my guest.

But also I was terrified of Piper and Kamala ..
i thought Glacier from wcw was like Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat. I thought he had the power to freeze people and s*** :lol::lol::lol:

Remember earthquake? I seen his first appearance where he was picked randomly in the crowd..was that real it staged..I really don't kno
I thought the Brawl for All tournament was fake. But later learned that it wasn't and Bart Gunn really knocked out Steve Williams :rofl:
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