Wrestling thoooo???!?!?!

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

This is such a stupid argument to have with people.

Wrestling has a loyal and large fan base it has forever, and it will continue to.

Why be mad? It's entertainment.

OP got his panties in a wad because he's seen a few threads about things that interest others. 
Dudes in here looking down on wrestling fans because it's not real...smh...pathetic

Wrestling is an on going movie, tv show, soap opera. It has theatrics, story lines, surprises, laughs, it connects with the audience. It'll make you laugh and cry and when you see wrestlers you grew up with retire, it makes you feel like a part of you is gone.

That's the way it is, that's the way it was and thats the way it always will be.

Originally Posted by Kareem the Dream

Whats the deal with wrestling???

All these wrestling related threads lately???

You guys do know it fake right???

and the acting is FAR below par right???

Where does the excitment and entertainment happen for you guys??

Does this count as a sport? Honestly Id probably watch NASCAR before watching (whos a current wrestler? Is the Rock still popular??)


Someone Enlighten me...whats the BIG IDEA??

inb4: to each his own yada yada
Originally Posted by YardFather

I can't believe this argument still exists.

Pro wrestling isn't a sport, everyone knows that. Everybody knows the outcomes to every match are predetermined and they aren't really in there trying to kill each other.

But is pro wrestling real???

You bet your *+@ it's real.

It's live entertainment. There's no do-overs if you screw up, there's no stunt doubles. I could post hundreds of videos of wrestlers doing things far more dangerous/real than any professional sport.

Professional wrestlers are on the road 300 days a year, traveling around the world, away from their families, to ENTERTAIN fans. Keep in mind these aren't pro athletes who have an off season and who are making 8 and 9 figure salaries in order to win. Most pro wrestlers barely make 6 figures and everything they do isn't to win, it's about making people happy.

The charity work these guys do is admirable as well. For years the WWE has been putting on shows in the Middle East for US Troops, John Cena is the #1 Make a Wish granter of all time, the list goes on.

Ask Muhammad Ali, James Brown, Bob Dylan, Elton John, etc etc where they got their style and influence from.

Do you know who Gorgeous George is? The man who single-handedly established television as a medium of entertainment and essentially created American pop culture.

Your favorite athlete, rapper, entertainer, etc etc in some form or other was influenced by professional wrestling.

Do your **!%#@ homework:


Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

seasoned vet wrote:

I feel the same way. Over 17 watching this mess? !$*! is terrible. They're not even good actors. They had my attention as a 6 yr old, think about where your level of thought is.
what kind of logic is that
" Batman had my attention as a 6 year old so if you liked the Dark Knight think about where your level of thought is"

Think about the batman you watched and read as a kid and think about The Dark Knight. You tried but its no comparison. A 6 year old can not keep up with the story line of the newer batman movies. They can watch and be entertained but theres no way they'll fully understand all the aspects of the movie. That being said what is the only thing a kid and an adult man can fully relate to in this world? Love and wrestling, both for fools.I'm in love btw.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

....ANY adult that regularly tunes into rasslin' is sad thing to see.
...dudes that continue to watch this trash are right on par with silly females that faithfully watch the housewives series.
....i had a roomate once that i used to make goto the dayroom to watch rasslin'. aint no way in hell i was going to let him watch that trash in the room.
grow up.


I feel the same way. Over 17 watching this mess? !$*! is terrible. They're not even good actors. They had my attention as a 6 yr old, think about where your level of thought is.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

And since when did finding something entertaining equal immaturity?

Only dumb argument I've seen in this thread.
Or how someone can correlate ones choice of entertainment with (assumingly) "low-level of thought."
...says the adult that watches rasslin'


See, you don't have a point. Zero basis to platform your argument on, bud.
I'm not even mad, though.
Originally Posted by Kareem the Dream

Originally Posted by BallRN23

Why is OP mad you ask?

See cause of ragethreadstart:


Good one.
I do wanna stress that Im not mad just curious. My whole life i wondered what people see in it...
But u wrestling fans are sooo sensitive

Especially the one with wrestling related avis... I can tell I hurt your feelings the most

I can assure you not one wrestling fan in here's feelings is hurt.
Originally Posted by Kareem the Dream

Originally Posted by BallRN23

Why is OP mad you ask?

See cause of ragethreadstart:


Good one.
I do wanna stress that Im not mad just curious. My whole life i wondered what people see in it...
But u wrestling fans are sooo sensitive

Especially the one with wrestling related avis... I can tell I hurt your feelings the most
You may not be mad, but clearly you're trying to belittle wrestling fans. Are we being sensitive? Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, most everyone has either provided lulz/clear explanations.

You and others, on the other hand, haven't even tried to understand/see our point. So, really, what's your underlying goal for the thread? It's not to change wrestling heads minds about wrasslin', we already know what we like. It's clearly something else.

I only have one thing to say to you and others who have no counter point to our explanations..

Think about the batman you watched and read as a kid and think about The Dark Knight. You tried but its no comparison. A 6 year old can not keep up with the story line of the newer batman movies. They can watch and be entertained but theres no way they'll fully understand all the aspects of the movie. That being said what is the only thing a kid and an adult man can fully relate to in this world? Love and wrestling, both for fools.I'm in love btw.

your trying to generalize somthing you obviously know nothing about. If you think a six year old can comprehend everything thats going on in the wwe your a fool. Like the dark knight kids can sit down, watch it, understand the judst of it and be entertained but its not all written for little like your trying so hard to make it seem...
Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

OP, this you?

So played out
the whole concept
But can you guys explain to me the rankings/results/promos you guys cut in the thread?  How does one win a match?
Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

^^I posted that on my Facebook yesterday and even said "This is getting old, but...."

I hate those videos but I actually enjoyed that one.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

^ i'm pretty sure we both did when we where 6. Or maybe just me SMH

im pretty sure you thought you did when you were six....but garuntee you if you looked back and watched it now ud see how much u missed
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by Kareem the Dream

Originally Posted by BallRN23

Why is OP mad you ask?

See cause of ragethreadstart:


Good one.
I do wanna stress that Im not mad just curious. My whole life i wondered what people see in it...
But u wrestling fans are sooo sensitive

Especially the one with wrestling related avis... I can tell I hurt your feelings the most

I can assure you not one wrestling fan in here's feelings is hurt.

the gifs in this thread
I actually prefer the technical aspect of the sport. Yes I consider it a sport. Well the wrestling that I like I consider a sport.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Never thought wrestling was bad I still watch it, but you guy's whole story lines and stuff you do in the thread are pretty corny
no hate though
Originally Posted by Kareem the Dream

Originally Posted by BallRN23

Why is OP mad you ask?

See cause of ragethreadstart:


Good one.
I do wanna stress that Im not mad just curious. My whole life i wondered what people see in it...
But u wrestling fans are sooo sensitive

Especially the one with wrestling related avis... I can tell I hurt your feelings the most
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]cool story bro...[/color]


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Sike.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]obvious troll is not so obvious apparently...[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]he just don't get the maximum trollage, the lulz and golden hilarity that will stand the test of time....[/color]

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

^ i'm pretty sure we both did when we where 6. Or maybe just me SMH

im pretty sure you thought you did when you were six....but garuntee you if you looked back and watched it now ud see how much u missed

Lol why are trying to make it something its not. Good guy bad guy with surprise betrayal and alliances. At the thought of you thinking the WWF having complex plots makes me sad for you.
Why would i be making this up? I dont know you, so whether you like wrestling or not or approve of me watching it means nothing to me I obviously know what im talking about because i watch it. Why are you trying to argue with me over a subject i obviously know more about then you?
but its whatever haters gonna hate
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