Wrestling Thread 10/21-11/3 | Oct 28 RAW - Orton & Cena Are Champs | NTWT Secret Santa Q Due Tonight

Man I would forgive all this wacky booking and constant burial of Dbry if it meant we could get a Bryan/HBK match at WM. It'll never happen though :smh:
The devil made me do it."

I thought that double spear was going to be the best thing on Raw, but holy s***.  Shawn's promo was amazing.  When he flipped the switch and said he was Shawn Michaels and always has been an A+ player, that was amazing.  Awesome, awesome stuff.

I do wish Bryan would have snapped when HBK insulted Brie though.  You gotta stick up for your woman.

Where were HHH and Orton to save their friend?
Well, the Wyatts being involved makes perfect sense in defending the honor of HBK..............
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