Wrestling Thread 11/9-12/14 | Dec 13 WWE TLC - Sheamus (c) vs Roman Reigns TLC WWE Title Match

Big Celtics, I know Maple Syrup is from Vermont, but does Maine have any B+ Player Maple Trees of their own?

And I don't live in Maine... I live in Portland... There's a big difference
* Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman vs. WWE United States Champion Alberto Del Rio, with the title on the line is up next. Huge pop for Lesnar and Suplex City chants. Big fight feel as they get ready to go. Del Rio tries to take Lesnar down but catches three or four German suplexes. Del Rio comes back after sending Lesnar into the ring post. Rusev ends up running in and Lesnar wins by disqualification, Del Rio retains. Lesnar fought Rusev off and hit a German suplex and a F5. Lesnar went to make his exit but came back and hit Del Rio with another German and a F5. There was no Paul Heyman promo. *
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