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AEW World Champ about to have a competitive match vs. Random Outsider.

You really don't watch or pay attention to AEW. Take****a is not a "random outsider".


Check the date




Death Triangle, Matt Sydal and Mike Sydal defeat The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson), Kenny Omega, Konosuke Take****a & Michael Nakazawa 09/04/2021


Konosuke Take****a defeats Brandon Cutler 04/20/2022




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:lol: @ You posting dark and rampage matches to dispute my point. I'm sure if you step back you can see the humor in that.

AEA18 AEA18 I've known who Take***** was before he started wrestling in AEW.

Again, he is not a FEATURED wrestler in the company.

So yes, he is a "random outsider" that shouldn't be having a COMPETITIVE match with your world champ 2 weeks before the match of his life.

I don't think that is too much to ask for nor do I think that is some outrageous claim to make.

As I said, with TK match quality trumps all. It trumps logic.

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First you call him a "random outsider" and then claim to have known him before AEW >D

You the only dude that complains about a good match on TV (for free might I add) :smh: :lol:

Always a problem. If the match was a squash you would've said they buried Konosuke.

The match with Jay Lethal was good too. You should check it out.
He shouldn't have been in the match with Page 2 weeks before a title match if the goal was to elevate him.

Having a squash wouldn't have made any sense either. (Didn't know those were the only 2 choices.)

Yes, it WAS a good match but having good matches above making logical booking choices shouldn't be done.

You took the random outsider tag way too literal. It seems you are basing your whole argument on that when that isn't even the focus of the claim.

Again I ask, why is HE having a competitive match with your WORLD champ right before CM Punk. Explain how that makes sense without being emotional/defensive.

Already saw the Jay Lethal match. But I'd rather go along with the storyline of me not knowing who he is. I'll play along with that.
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