Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

I rather Cesaro lose to a rollup where it looks like a steal than see him lose to a brogue kick and make him look like ****.
I wouldn't want any promising talent to have the US or IC Titles.  They're boat anchors, both on their careers and literally. 

I agree, there is no need to put anything but one of the 2 big title on Cesaro, but that doesn't mean that he deserves to lose like a punk or have lazy finishes to matches like a small package pin

You tell me how you would book it...
I agree, there is no need to put anything but one of the 2 big title on Cesaro, but that doesn't mean that he deserves to lose like a punk or have lazy finishes to matches like a small package pin

I dont consider small package wins to be "lazy", in fact, i think they should be used more. Its a decent way to put the winner over without making the loser look too weak. Good example would be when Dbry used his small package specials last summer to win a bunch of matches.
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Haven't been following anything besides the Shield and DBry, are Rybaxel still Heyman guys?
Would have been dope for cesaro to win then go toe to toe with brock after. Would have brought really legitamcy to the belt. But I'm ok with how he lost, he looked strong and looked like sheamus stole it
Remember this in 6 months. I bet you Cody gon become the new goldust. He's tried to change his look so much and it never works but everyone know he a good worker. He gon steal the gold use gimmick.
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Roll up was the best ending to the cesaro match. That finish is a "lucky" finish. Keeps the title on sheamus while having cesaro not lose any strength or momentum

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