Wrestling Thread 6/15-7/12: 7/7 Tough Enough: Seth Rollins Guest Stars

Jus finished the show

The crowd chanting w/ the accent on their english :rofl:
The Jericho v Neville match was pretty solid
I skipped the ENTIRE Divas match *Kanye Shrug*
Brock v Kofi? :lol: Seriously I'd rather see Brock beat up Kane
I'm surprised they let the crowd throw the streamers
Glad Finn won the strap there. Prob meant so much to him.
Hideo had to be salty that wasn't him out there
The tag match was the most random friggin match ever. Kane n BNB, like really :smh:
:lol: at Kane still fighting in pleated pants
Kane went to Japan instead of Hawaii too. Shame on him.
Byron is dreadful on the mic. They need to cancel Tough Enough to bring Booker back sooner.
I still hate Cena in the ring
You forgot C Block though...

my dad saw i dvr'd ROH he put it on for a few minutes and just shook his head at me after it went to a commercial break during the okada/daniels tag match :lol: turned it right off.
he doesn't watch wrestling but he's at least familiar with the wwe :lol: he wasn't disgusted per say just didn't want to waste his time watching and listening to all those marks.
Means nothing. They never squashed their beef.
Neither did the Bellas when Brie was Nikki's ***** for a couple weeks
This **** has always irked me.

WWE could have easily done a backstage segment where Brie and Nikki reconcile and patch things up on some "We're sisters, we fight, but at the end of the day we got each others' backs no matter what" but no they just make back up with no explanation and expect us to forget they were feuding in the first place.
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