Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

imagine what hogan would of did to rusav back in the early 90s
I dig these two facing each other. Y'all hate on Swagger a lot, but I actually think this would be pretty good.

Personality wise, Swagger has been as bland as Del Rio and Sheamus ever since he won the title way back. And just like Sheamus & Del Rio, he's very good in the ring. I guess you take the good with the bad :lol:
I dig these two facing each other. Y'all hate on Swagger a lot, but I actually think this would be pretty good.
I just hate how damn stale his character is and how dangerous he is. But I actually like watching him wrestle. Dude is truly an All American type wrestler. 
I cannot believe Swagger is actually getting cheered. 

I hate when wrestlers gotta use the USA to get cheers man, so damn cheap. 

Agreed, dumb as ****.

Side note - but do any of these fans/NTWT really believe the US is the best country in the world still? :rolleyes
Anyone else feel uneasy about this?? Rusev destroys all of the blacks in the company and now the last hope and real American is a Caucasian??? Rudyard Kipling is rolling in his grave proudly right now.
Rusev comes in and squashes all the black wrestlers, so it's gonna take a "real American" to beat him. :smh:

Vince aint slick
I dig these two facing each other. Y'all hate on Swagger a lot, but I actually think this would be pretty good.
I just hate how damn stale his character is and how dangerous he is. But I actually like watching him wrestle. Dude is truly an All American type wrestler. 
in terms of wrestling, swagger is above average. but his character is horrible and when he tries to engage the crowd is just seems awkward. his promos doesn't help either
I was wondering why it took so long for the real american to confront someone who comes out week after week and talks about america
Anyone else feel uneasy about this?? Rusev destroys all of the blacks in the company and now the last hope and real American is a Caucasian??? Rudyard Kipling is rolling in his grave proudly right now.
Somehow DC gonna be mad at this statement since you stole his gimmick.
Yeah but Lana's accent is so thick and fake sounding its hilarious. Shes not actually russian is she?

All she was saying was "not today"
Damn, my girl was saying joint was fake when I watched a few weeks ago with her. Perhaps they switched it up?

On a side note, Russian girls are too damn sexy 
 when she breaks out that talk in front of her parents.....
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