Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

So who were those clowns creaming themselves last night that Kofi was wearing Carmines, even after I said they weren't.

You mean to tell me that Kofi's not wearing Carmines?..I don't believe you..
Man, Cesaro looks weird wearing regular kneepads
man i hated his gear with that thigh support 
kofi promo so weak,tried to tell my boys last night those werent carmines.

still no kotr smh 

this crowd does not like cesaro,him under heyman has been a huge fail.now reduced to ic tournament.lol
Such lazy booking with another battle royal. Why not have a one night tourney at Battleground for the IC Title? 8 men, 7 matches, it could fill your whole card with the 4way.
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