Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

And then they show a Hercules commercial
So, Miz comes back to be buried by Y2J to be buried by the Wyatts...............makes sense
Jericho has been part of some of the greatest moments in raw.. his mic skills are on par with anyone. and he can wrestle his *** off

but not top 10.. and hes one of my favorite attitude era guys easy
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Jericho always talking about Bray and how he requested to work with him on his podcast.

They had a pretty good match in NXT too.

Looking forward to Jericho putting over the sheep mask.
If we're counting just wrestling titles.. sure.. those guys are better. But as wrestlers? HHH/Cena better than Jericho?
Hate that Y2J comes back just to job, but I'm perfectly fine with him having a program with Bray.
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