Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Pretty hilarious that Paige was basically an interim champion, who defended the Diva's title more than anyone else defended their titles :lol:
You guys are tough, in 3 months Paige has gotten the mic a total of 3 times. You can't get better on the stick if you aren't given an opportunity to.

She was in nxt for like 3 years tho.....

I thought developmental was for you know developing your talents. Just saying
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That is what I hate about WWE video games, things change too frequently. By the time the game comes out nothing is relevant.
With 2K at the helm they should update it periodically like traditional sports games do and have more DLC and rankings change as the wrestlers improve or get the Sandow treatment.
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Roman's entrance and music isn't as impressive without the SHIELD..He needs a traditional ramp entrance with new music and pyro..
I'm probably in the minority, but I like how Cena wears the belts over his shoulders.
Punk also though has the same deal as Rey where Vince can just re-up his deal for one year for time missed.......Probably just a benefit for all involved if he does it
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