Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

ughhh i had this match to start off but switched to Rybaxel and Stardust 
Why? I'm genuinely curious.
So much better than that struggleharmonica

Still not creepy enough though
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I got the Usos winning, leaving no more tag teams which will lead to the ascension being called up
Digging the Usos gear.

Sucks that I originally chose this tag match then switched to the MITB case :lol:
The Ascension are cool IMO. Their theme just makes me wanna headbutt everyone within my field of vision.
Dammit I love this PPV man. Got a nice steak fired up and a six pack of Flying Dog IPA. LET'S GO. 
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