Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Call me crazy but...

Orton's turning face tonight. Kane will make sure Orton wins the ladder match, tombstones Orton, then HHH sends out Rollins to cash in.
I don't mind Rollins winning but they really don't need Kane doing the authorities dirty work EVERY TIME man. Makes these dudes look hella weak
Leave it to Shovel/Vince/Steph to ruin a 4 1/2 * match with such an awful finish..Makes Seth look so weak..
That was ending was trash... Why do they keep involving Kane in main story lines smh he can't even give a good choke slam or TS anymore
I don't mind Rollins taking the W--he was one of the sure picks from the beginning. But this makes Rollins look like a chicken-**** heel :rolleyes
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