Originally Posted by
hymen man
Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by LanZeR23
People taking the WWE too seriously...
it's for our entertainment and CM Punk is doing just that, entertaining.
I don't really care about his personal problems with the company, thats between him and Vince but other then that. The WWE is fine, it could be much better but it's an entertaining show to watch most the time.
Exactly. These fools calling CM Punk, God? SMFH. And who cares if Cena is "Supercena." I personally don't like him either, but he is what he is and there's nothing you can do about it. I give him respect for being entertaining in the business still, he's a lot better than these new cats. And a HELL of a lot better than CM Punk, yeah I said it. If you dislike what Vince does with the show then STOP WATCHING. How are you going to hate a show but keep watching it, you're obviously still a fan.
People can voice their opinion about a product they've been watching since they were little. You can like Cena better than Punk, you can do whatever you want... just like all of us can complain about what we feel is not good a storyline. Of course I'm still a fan, I've been a life long fan of wrestling, my whole household has been...but why can't we complain about something we are passionate about?
But where did anyone say they hate what happened yesterday?