Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

Hall of Pain Mark Henry is dead folks. We still have YT and the WWE Network to relive it, cause it's never coming back.
i have a feeling they're starting up a reigns-bray feud tonight
Didn't Sin Cara body Shameus ?
In real life yea haha
Yoshi too 
Sigh. Raw is in Albany in 2 weeks.

They ad a 6 man tag main event.

Cena/Reigns/Bryan vs. Rollins/Show/Kane

YUCK! :x
Anyone else bothered that Bray never references his losses, he just acts like they never happened
Oh look, Bray loses another big match and then cuts the same jibberish promo.  Either have him start winning big matches or do something else.
I think Bray's the one that needs the "Pin Me, Pay Me" shirt
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When Sheamus got called out, he said he thought Cara was just playing around with him, despite Sheamus throwing the first punch.
Sheamus is the Kevin Garnett of the wwe.
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