Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

:smh: Bray is basically a glorified jobber at this point. I'll definitely hate Roman more if he buries Bray.

Bray actually wins all his fueds and ppv matches..... Except the big ones. Cena, jericho, taker. Everybody else he has beat. Including bryan clean 2x. The shield as well. Bray is like the Dodgers, just can't win any thing important.
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I feel like were the locals defending wrestling and the real wrestler is the trolls that try to say otherwise :lol:
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Really feeling "meh" about Raw tonight.

Will check out the National Championship game, but would've been more into it if it was Duke/Kentucky.

Better Call Saul season finale tonight too.
I'm crying right now

This episode belongs in 2015 more than 2009
I'm a cook, and this douchenugget is a bartender...

He constantly orders his own personal food when the kitchen is slammed.... Which constantly moves his ticket to the end of the line...

My manager left early today to pick up his dog at the vet... He had his ear removed and it's getting cancer tests done... Obviously scared and worried...

So this guy texts my manager today complaining of his wait time... Completely aware of where he is... Manager pretty much tells him off... But the idea of his self-righteousness is so off-putting...


I was at the bar one night drinking on my off night... I was conversing with a friend about what we were going to do with out x-mas bonus... He comes over, and says that's quite the list I have...

He asks how much I get.. I told him I wasn't going to tell him... He keeps bugging me all night about it... So I'm finally drunk and annoyed, and tell him I will if he shuts up... He says ok...

He went in the next day and complained to my manager about the amount I get and how I don't deserve it... And how I'm weaseling my way into it...

Needless to say... If someone tries to **** with my money... He'll forever be on my **** list...

For the record... I get 4x what he does... He's been there 11 years, I have been there 3...


I just hate him... I want him to die in his sleep...
I think imma just leave the ntwt threads.. It's clear that yall don't wanna discuss with me. I already apologiZed for snitching several times but still no use. I don't want any bad blood between me and you guys so imma just leave since it's better for the both of us.. It's pretty pointless trying to discuss wrestling when nobody else want to do it with you..So cya and have fun with raw tonight
Damn. You really gave up that easily. :rofl: :lol: You aren't built for this NTWT business if that lil bit of roasting got the room too hot for you to handle. :smh:
So high I forgot what this pic was :lol: :smh: (it's my off day, don't judge me.) Edit:that about sums up how I feel about quitters.
He was a tag champ in fcw with bo, both were weak as hell.

Still can't belive I actually sat and watched every single Nxt episode to date from the first bryan vs jericho main event.
Thats why you are an endless source of NXT knowledge. :pimp:
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Y'all can't talk about Kitty being sensitive and then run off when the heat gets turned up :lol:
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