Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

I want to see a Jason Stathan / Cessaro movie....

Plot: Something, something something... Kung Fu fighting... something, something, something... Explosion... something, something, something more kung fu fighting.. something something something bigger explosion.. The end.
The angle might be that Heyman does a terrible job promoting because all he cares about is Lesnar. Cesaro gets angry and beats Brock which makes him .. The guy that beat the guy that ended the streak
Didn't think of that. Would be
man this Raw started out okay and has gone to hell in a hand basket quick.

what an awful match with RVD...get this bozo outta here.

Cesaro should not be losing.

If giving him the IC title makes him a mid carder then what does facing Jack Swagger make him?

Tired of these place holder, no future, no fluidity "story ideas" from "Creative"
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