Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

really y? Im honestly wanna kno your opinion. I mean its not late 80s early 90s(my personal golden era) but it will do.
Man I don't think I have been entertained by anything not named Seth Rollins/NXT since WrestleMania.

Bryan has nobody to work with
I don't care about Evolution. Wasn't into wrestling when they were relevant. Still now, don't give a damn about Batista or Orton or HHH
Wyatts getting annoying because of over exposure. Does Bray have to give a long drawn out promo EVERY week? It loses its affect.
Cena, don't care about him.

I don't even know why I watch RAW man.

I know why you watch Raw.. It's because you're an addict... You know what the outcome will be, but you still watch... You're chasing the dragon... Begging for the magic that hooked you in the first place.. You long for that feeling so badly, and when you receive even the tiniest amount of it, it's like the first time you felt it... Get help dude... I know I need it...
I know why you watch Raw.. It's because you're an addict... You know what the outcome will be, but you still watch... You're chasing the dragon... Begging for the magic that hooked you in the first place.. You long for that feeling so badly, and when you receive even the tiniest amount of it, it's like the first time you felt it... Get help dude... I know I need it...

You sure you not confusing WWE with one of your savage stories?
Yea I know. Konnan said the same thing. Wrestling is the only show that consistently puts out bad programming but the fans still tune in. I know I need help.




Man I don't think I have been entertained by anything not named Seth Rollins/NXT since WrestleMania.

Bryan has nobody to work with
I don't care about Evolution. Wasn't into wrestling when they were relevant. Still now, don't give a damn about Batista or Orton or HHH
Wyatts getting annoying because of over exposure. Does Bray have to give a long drawn out promo EVERY week? It loses its affect.
Cena, don't care about him.

I don't even know why I watch RAW man.

honestly I know what you mean. I just stopped hoping for the greatest shows of all time and started talking it for what its worth. Like I said it will never be like it was but it will do. What direction do you think the E needs to go to improve the product?
I know why you watch Raw.. It's because you're an addict... You know what the outcome will be, but you still watch... You're chasing the dragon... Begging for the magic that hooked you in the first place.. You long for that feeling so badly, and when you receive even the tiniest amount of it, it's like the first time you felt it... Get help dude... I know I need it...

You sure you not confusing WWE with one of your savage stories?

I'm pretty sure lol... Although both have been known to involve canes, thumbtacks, fire, masks, belts and forklifts...

Just joking about the forklifts...
Damn. They about to get that US title off of Ambrose. Boo. Shield worked damn hard last night. As long as wack ***** Big slow doesn't win.
Time to go back to the wrestling thread. Where no one cares about sneakers or restocks 

Make me feel better guys 
Shield is really about to start getting that D Bryan treatment with the screwjob tactics. They won the battle, but the war is far from over.
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