Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

^I swear LAW & the Breakfast Club makes work go by so much faster

- Manik recently revealed on his Ask.FM account what his salary is in TNA.

He said: "My contract was started midway thru the year last year but altogether with salary+appearances I was on pace for roughly $75,000-$84,000 for a year period. That's if my schedule is as busy as it was last summer/fall. Also that's only counting TNA. I'd make a lot more if I kept up with other bookings outside but I just don't. I'm also guaranteed a huge chunk of that regardless of if I wrestle or not. So it's pretty ok considering I do what I love.I'm on the low end on the roster too. Most guys do way better than me."

Meanwhile Christy Hemme has still been making more than double than most of the roster, including the top stars there.
I'd like to know how wrestlers budget their money, especially the ones on the road all the time. How do they keep their finances in check?
Don't a lot of wrestlers get policies through Lloyd's of London?..I've heard a couple wrestlers talk about how they got insured through there incase they sustain a serious injury or have to be out for significant periods of time..
I see why TNA is going under. TJ Perkins making $75k a year? :x

Imagine how much a bum like Anderson makes.
I need a TLC 1 or TLC 2 WM rewind. Would also love a Ric Flair/Macho Man one. But I understand they gotta get the most obvious ones out of the way first.
i always wondered why they gave jbl such a big push,but as i watch old acolytes footage i can see why ,they were pretty popular and he was actually the mouthpiece for them.he also had a popular moveset with  the fans.thoo i can see why he got a push i still dont see why he had the belt so long 
i suggest everyone watch wrestlemania 17 if u havent already pretty damn good stuff.imo one of the best.plus a nice trish and steph scene with steph showing off the goods
i always wondered why they gave jbl such a big push,but as i watch old acolytes footage i can see why ,they were pretty popular and he was actually the mouthpiece for them.he also had a popular moveset with  the fans.thoo i can see why he got a push i still dont see why he had the belt so long 

Though I loved how good was became with that character, his push just seemed so random at the time, especially with there being no buildup towards that promo between him, Ron Simmons, and Paul Heyman
Though I loved how good was became with that character, his push just seemed so random at the time, especially with there being no buildup towards that promo between him, Ron Simmons, and Paul Heyman
exactly it just came out of nowhere.i was like what did i miss all of a sudden hes a billionaire tycoon unstoppable champion? lol i give him credit for turning people into believers and he was a pretty good heel but still so random
Just watched that Warrior doc on the Network..You could tell that it made Vince really happy to have him back and it hurt him a lot when he died..I also found it kinda eerie that I could tell UW wasn't feeling right..He was sweating a lot and limping pretty bad..I was glad Hogan basically said he was talking bs just to stay in wwe's good graces and I was glad that him and UW got to bury the hatchet and make amends before Warrior passed..

One thing you can never take away from WWE is that they put together the best video packages and documentaries in the entertainment industries..To my knowledge I've never seen a bad one..Can't wait til they do one for Undertaker and Sting cause those will probably be the best ones they'll ever do..
I'm trying to find some ppvs where king booker or jbl was champion any suggestions ?

Summerslam 2004
Judgment Day 2004
No Mercy 2004
Great American Bash 2006
Summerslam 2006
No Mercy 2006
Cyber Sunday 2006

I'd have to look back at the full cards to remember whether any of the PPVs/matches were good, but I pretty much hated 05-07, so I'm a little biased either way :lol:
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A lot of the time, yes :lol: I've always remembered the smallest details of frivolous things, like a whole bunch of stuff in my brain that needs to be purged
I was glad Hogan basically said he was talking bs just to stay in wwe's good graces and I was glad that him and UW got to bury the hatchet and make amends before Warrior passed.

Hogan was talking BS, or Warrior?
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