Wrestling Thread April 20-26 | 4/26 BACKLASH PPV - HHH/Batista/Shane vs Legacy | Cena vs Edge (pg

Oct 15, 2000



Last week was quite the eventful week for the WWE between the draft, supplemental draft, and the debut of Superstars. Things should quiet down a little thisweek as the WWE is touring the UK, but the Backlash PPV is this Sunday. Normally, shows from overseas are relatively uneventful, except the 50+ minute classicwe had two years back between Shawn Michaels and John Cena which will go down as one of the greatest matches in the history of Raw. However, this is the gohome show for Backlash, so they need to finalize the matches for this Sunday. It's probably a very bad thing, but I can only name two matches for Backlashoff the top of my head (HHH/Batista/Shane vs Legacy and Cena vs Edge).

So I just checked. We also have Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy in an I Quit match, and Jack Swagger vs Christian for the ECW Title. Four matches announced six daysbefore the actual PPV? This is just another prime example of 1) the fact that there are too many PPVs and 2) the fact that there is no long term planning inthe WWE.

Two main things came out of last week's show. First were the results of the draft. The major changes to Raw were the additions of HHH (addition?), MVP,and Matt Hardy. The above graphic shows John Morrison, but he was drafted to Smackdown unless the WWE changed their mind. Raw also added The Big Show, KenKennedy, The Colons, The Bellas, The Miz, Maryse, and Brian Kendrick. The major departures from Raw were Chris Jericho, CM Punk, and Rey Mysterio Jr. Ireally don't feel like many of these changes will have a major shake up on Raw. MVP will hopefully be given a chance to excel on Raw, and Matt Hardy hasthe opportunity to move into one of the top heel spots since Raw is desperately lacking heels after Randy Orton. They'll probably try to repackage The BigShow once again as a top heel, but I don't think anyone buys into him anymore.

The other major thing that took place last week was the idiotic main event between HHH, Batista, and Shane McMahon against Priceless. The faces fought amongsteach other for a chance to get Randy Orton one on one this week. Someone please explain to me exactly what the purpose of fighting with your teammates to getan opportunity to beat Randy Orton in a one on one match this week when the team will collectively have the chance to beat him this Sunday night on PPV. Idon't get it, and I don't think it does anything to help sell this Sunday's PPV, especially when you once again made Rhodes and DiBiase look liketwo of the biggest jobbers in the WWE. At this point, I think the WWE has done irrepairable damage to the futures of Rhodes and DiBiase. So tonight we getHHH vs Randy Orton in a No DQ match which basically guarantees it turns into a brawl between the two teams in this Sunday's match.

With the shuffled rosters, I don't know what other matches they may come up with for Sunday. I know undercard matches usually don't sell PPVs, but youshould still put a little bit of effort into them. You have to think that they try to throw together at least a match or two tonight for Sunday's show. Maybe something involving MVP, The Colons, or Maryse. I don't know, and most likely, I won't care once the match is announced.


-John Cena vs Chris Jericho
-CM Punk vs Kane
-Plus other Smackdown wrestlers on Raw. Yay draft!

Also, incase you didn't catch last night's TNA Lockdown PPV, two major things took place.
1) Mick Foley defeated Sting to become the new TNA Champion.
2) Bobby Lashley made his TNA debut.
I never watch TNA but how do you have an old man Mick Foley as your TNA Champion??
A Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner promo MUST HAPPEN. It must. With podiums involved.

And Backlash is this Sunday really? Thought it was next. They should get rid of this PPV..because we already got Judgement Day and Night of Champions not farapart.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

A Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner promo MUST HAPPEN. It must. With podiums involved.

And Backlash is this Sunday really? Thought it was next. They should get rid of this PPV..because we already got Judgement Day and Night of Champions not far apart.
I'll never forget Lashley's classic "BOOKER!!!! you're mine."
Originally Posted by BlackMamba08

Lashley in TNA?

Did he quit MMA already?

I don't know the exact details, but it is believed it is just a short term deal with TNA. He is not stopping MMA, where he can potentially make much moremoney, especially if it eventually leads to a Lesnar fight.
Jeff Hardy Turns Down WWE's New Contract Offers

WWE is currently doing everything they can to try and sign Jeff Hardy to a new deal, as his current contract will be expiring in a few months. Over the lastfew weeks Jeff Hardy has turned down all attempts at both a contract extension and a full-fledged brand new deal. WWE is so hell-bent on signing him that theyare offering him a 1-year extension to lock him in for just one more year, as opposed to their usual 2-year extension minimum. WWE is thinking outside the boxto try and come up with terms that Hardy will agree to, and VP of talent relations Johnny Ace continues to pitch lucrative offers at Hardy in hopes of gettinghim to stay.

The fact that Jeff Hardy has not yet re-signed has lead the WWE creative team to make his feud with Matt Hardy go in Matt's favor and rush through it. Thisis also one of the reasons why Matt was moved to the RAW brand, so Jeff can elevate his brother if he leaves.

So far Jeff has turned down everything they've thrown at him, and he's said to be looking at his options outside of the wrestling business. Friends sayhe's not necessarily looking at TNA, but rather at taking some time off from the road to enjoy life and not having anything to do with WWE.

His current contract is said to expire in the next 2 to 4 months. We should be able to confirm a more specific time frame soon.

Credit: PWInsider.com
Originally Posted by BlackMamba08

Jeff Hardy Turns Down WWE's New Contract Offers

WWE is currently doing everything they can to try and sign Jeff Hardy to a new deal, as his current contract will be expiring in a few months. Over the last few weeks Jeff Hardy has turned down all attempts at both a contract extension and a full-fledged brand new deal. WWE is so hell-bent on signing him that they are offering him a 1-year extension to lock him in for just one more year, as opposed to their usual 2-year extension minimum. WWE is thinking outside the box to try and come up with terms that Hardy will agree to, and VP of talent relations Johnny Ace continues to pitch lucrative offers at Hardy in hopes of getting him to stay.

The fact that Jeff Hardy has not yet re-signed has lead the WWE creative team to make his feud with Matt Hardy go in Matt's favor and rush through it. This is also one of the reasons why Matt was moved to the RAW brand, so Jeff can elevate his brother if he leaves.

So far Jeff has turned down everything they've thrown at him, and he's said to be looking at his options outside of the wrestling business. Friends say he's not necessarily looking at TNA, but rather at taking some time off from the road to enjoy life and not having anything to do with WWE.

His current contract is said to expire in the next 2 to 4 months. We should be able to confirm a more specific time frame soon.

Credit: PWInsider.com

Hmmm here's a though WWE. Cut down your schedule and give these guys more time off to do other things so they don't get burnt out. Its so simple butthey are so money hungry to see it.
You say your name is Finlay and you love to fight. I say your name is Finlay and you're a bathurd!
News & Notes

Preliminary future storyline plans for Shawn Michaels.

There continues to be a lot of talk regarding the future of Shawn Michaels. As noted yesterday, Michaels requested time off after WrestleMania to give his ailing body some time to rest. While nothing is confirmed, those close to Michaels say he realizes he isn't going to be able to go much longer and sees the light at the end of the tunnel.

Now that Triple H is back on Raw with Shawn Michaels there has been talk of reuniting DeGeneration X for one final run to feud with Legacy hence the name of WWE's fall "DX Invasion" European tour. Plans are still very preliminary but there is talk of teaming Hunter and Michaels together, ending in a feud with a possible Triple H vs. Michaels retirement match at WrestleMania 26.

Michaels said in a radio interview leading into WrestleMania 25 weekend his WWE contract expires after WrestleMania next year and it may be his final match.

Jeff Hardy turns down WWE's contract offers; is he on his way out?

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] WWE is currently doing everything they can to try and sign Jeff Hardy to a new deal, as his current contract will be expiring in a few months. Over the last few weeks Jeff Hardy has turned down all attempts at a contract extension and new full-fledged brand new deal. WWE is so hell-bent on signing him to a new deal that they are offering him a 1-year extension to lock him in for just one more year.

The fact that Jeff Hardy has not yet re-signed, WWE has made the creative decision to make his feud with Matt Hardy go in Matt's favor and rush through it. This is also one of the reasons why Matt was moved to the RAW brand.

So far Hardy has turned down everything they've thrown at him, and he's said to be looking at his options outside of the wrestling business. He's not necessarily looking at TNA, but rather looking at taking some time off from the road to enjoy life and not have anything to do with WWE.

His current contract is said to expire in the next 2 to 4 months.

CM Punk may not be cashing in MITB at Backlash.

- While I haven't heard if they plan on doing this on television, WWE did a match at tonight's Raw house show in Nottingham, England where CM Punk's MITB briefcase was on the line against Chris Jericho. Punk won the match thus retaining the title shot. We heard rumors last week of Punk defending the briefcase.

-C.M. Punk was asked by Metal Injection reporter Robert Pasbani at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards when he might cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. "My plan is to call somebody out a little bit ahead of time instead of doing the surprise thing," Punk said. "There is a PPV, Judgment Day in Chicago coming up so I might have to do it so I have the hometown advantage." To view video footage, visit MetalInjection.com.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The WWE has given thought to having Punk drop the briefcase (which would be a big mistake IMO), but noindication as to which way they're going. I hope they don't go the predictable route and have Punk cash it in after Edge vs. Cena...[/color]

Full 2009 WWE Draft statistics.

Here are stats from the draft (assuming the Brie Bella trade was the last one). Note that "wrestlers" excludes Shane and Vince McMahon, but includes Hornswoggle.

Before the Draft:

RAW - 30 wrestlers
Smackdown - 34 wrestlers
ECW - 15 wrestlers

After the Draft:


34 wrestlers on the roster

12 wrestlers left RAW (40% of pre-draft roster); all 12 to Smackdown

16 wrestlers joined RAW (47% of post-draft roster)


30 wrestlers on the roster

19 wrestlers left SD (56% of pre-draft roster); 14 to RAW, 5 to ECW

15 wrestlers joined SD (50% of post-draft roster)


15 wrestlers on the roster

5 wrestlers left ECW (33% of pre-draft roster); 2 to RAW, 3 to Smackdown

5 wrestlers joined ECW (33% of post-draft roster)


46% of the roster switched brands

No RAW superstar went to ECW

2 tag teams switched brands (Carlito and Primo, and Cryme Time)

3 tag teams were split up (Jesse and Festus, The Miz and John Morrison, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder)

2 wrestler/valet combinations were split up (Hornswoggle and Finlay, The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson)

Details on MVP's upcoming celebrity storyline.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As seen on last week's SmackDown, new General Manager Teddy Long promised new RAW Superstar and WWE United States Champion MVP the chance to meet a good friend of his, Sherri Shepherd of ABC's hit talk show The View. It looks like WWE might have something planned for MVP and Sherri as the WWE website mentions Sherri having a thing for MVP and teases Teddy having something in store for MVP.

Furthermore, a friend of mine who happens to be a fan of The View, sent Sherri a tweet on Twitter after SmackDown last night and asked her if she was aware that her name was mentioned on SmackDown. Sherri replied with the following: "Yes... there's a surprise with me & the WWE!!! Stay tuned. I think you'll like it :O)"

A few other fans asked Sherri about WWE on Twitter and she replied with the following messages: "am I going to appear on Smackdown with MVP... LOL... mum's the word, but keep watching the WWE...never know who'll pop up!" and "I'm in love with me some MVP. I hope he said nice things about me."

It doesn't seem far fetched that WWE would reach out to a show like The View right now, one of the most watched shows by women on TV. We reported yesterday about WWE beginning a new company direction where they push the idea that several women help run the company and a good percentage of women make up the WWE audience. I'm not sure if Sherri would actually join WWE in a manager role for MVP or something but she may end up doing a few appearances. If anything it will definitely get the company a few mentions on The View which could bring in some more female viewers like they are wanting.

Ted DiBiase Jr. to turn face for Marine 2 film release?

Ted DiBiase Sr. spoke Friday at the Boys and Girls Club in Tomah, Wisconsin. Ted talked about his son Ted Jr. being in Legacy and mentioned that he had another son, Brett, who was involved in WWE developmental and said we'd be seeing him down the line. He didn't mention his other son Mike. Ted Sr. said that sometime this coming Fall or before Christmas, Ted Jr. would be turning face to promote his new movie, The Marine 2. Ted also said that with his sons involved with WWE, he doesn't rule out a return to the company. Sounds like Ted Jr. might be turning face and breaking away from Legacy.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I figured this was going to happen in time for the movie...[/color]

Why ECW is going back to its original time slot.

- The reason ECW will be moving back to their original 10 PM - 11 PM time slot on the Sci-Fi Channel is because it will give WWE an extra hour to edit after the show is taped. WWE has moved back to taping SmackDown and ECW on Tuesdays with Raw going solo on Mondays. Material for WWE Superstars is taped on both days.

Latest update on Mr. Kennedy's return to the ring.

- According to Jim Ross, Mr. Kennedy is still over a month away from a possible return to WWE. Kennedy injured his shoulder in August 2008, and previously claimed that the injury was a threat to end his career.

"It will also be interesting to see how impactful Mr. Kennedy is when he debuts on Raw after fully healing from shoulder surgery which should be in the next month or so," Ross said on jrsbarbq.com. "If Kennedy 'hits' as he is likely to do then Monday Night Raw gets even stronger."

Trish Stratus says the WWE's Women Division is disappointing.

The Times & Transcript out of New Brunswick, Canada has a new interview online with Trish Stratus. While the article is promoting an upcoming appearance at the Moncton Coliseum on Sunday, she does comment about the current state of WWE's women division.

"It is disappointing," Trish told the publication. "I think what it is, they have too many women. And I think they can't even see who's who because there's so many of them. I think they need someone maybe that can focus on the women."

Click here to read the full interview.

Beth Phoenix to turn face and feud with Maryse?

WWE officials are said to be very high on Divas Champion Maryse due to her personality, hence her move to Raw during the live draft on Monday night. Fellow Raw Diva Beth Phoenix is expected to turn babyface soon, leading into a key singles program between the two.

Note on lack of Diva heels on Smackdown.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- As announced during yesterday's WWE Supplemental Draft, Layla has been moved to SmackDown. Besides herself, Michelle McCool is the only other heel Diva on the roster, which should explain why she was moved. Furthermore, the roster is overflowing with babyface Divas (Alicia Fox, Candice Michelle, Eve, Gail Kim, Maria, Melina) following this week's Draft moves so it appears as though someone will have to turn heel - unless they continue to use ECW's Natalya.[/font]

Bobby Lashley not under contract with TNA.

According to Dave Meltzer, here is the latest on the future of Bobby Lashley.

Lashley's camp has stated that Lashley has not signed a contract with TNA Wrestling, and that his appearance last night was for he and the company to become acquainted with each other. The plan would be for Lashley to do wrestling for TNA on a limited basis, while still training for MMA.

Lashley, who is 2-0 in his MMA career, is negotiating a contract with Strikeforce as well as negotiating for a June 27th fight with Bob Sapp. That fight would take place at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum for Biloxi for Prize Fight Promotions. Sapp has not agreed to the deal, but is reviewing the contract. Lashley could agree to the bout as early as later this evening.

How TNA kept the Lashley appearance from being spoiled.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bobby Lashley arrived backstage at TNA Lockdown on Sunday night at about 10:00 PM Eastern, just moments before his debut with the company. The former ECW World Champion's debut was kept a big secret by everyone in TNA, with his late arrival to the building being the ultimate way to prevent spoilers from leaking to the net. Lashley appeared at the top of the entrance ramp at the conclusion of the Lethal Lockdown match while everyone in the ring looked on with shock, except M.E.M. front man Kurt Angle who was smiling. [Video]

There have been rumors of Taz signing with TNA over the last few weeks and debuting at Lockdown, but the Human Suplex Machine was nowhere to be seen on the PPV broadcast.

Taz expected to be TNA's second former world champion signing.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The second TNA signing is, as expected, going to turn out to be former ECW World champion Taz. There were a slew of hints at the PPV involving Samoa Joe, including Joe wearing Taz' black towel over his face.

TNA also featured a segment at the Lockdown PPV where Joe was speaking to someone off camera for advice before going to the ring. When he hit the ring during the Lethal Lockdown match, he unleashed a slew of Tazplexes. So, it appears Taz's role will be something of a manager to Samoa Joe.

The terms of Taz's TNA deal are currently unknown, as are the terms of Bobby Lashley's deal. You can see a video of Lashley's debut at the PPV at this link.

Note on Sting's title reign.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- Despite his loss last night, Sting's TNA World Heavyweight Championship reign was the longest reigning run for any champion since TNA launched their own "World title" in May of 2007. This was also the longest singles title reign in his illustrious career.[/font]

Kevin Nash interview; says A.J. Styles is the best athlete in pro wrestling, talks about MEM and more.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Here are some highlights from TNA star Kevin Nash's appearance on Ring Posts Live with Kevin Eck and Nestor Aparicio Wednesday afternoon on WNST 1570 AM from Baltimore. He promoted this Sunday's TNA Lockdown 2009 PPV.

On the next generation of TNA stars: "I think Robert Roode is a really, really talented guy. I think he's a natural babyface, although he's working heel right now. He's just solid. He's a combination of Rick Rude and Curt Hennig. He's a real good technical wrestler and everything he does is solid. Motor City Machine Guns -- I watched them do 25 minutes in the Tokyo Dome in January and was just amazed at how athletic and what an incredible pace that those two guys go. You got 'Black Machismo' Jay Lethal, a really fiery young babyface, a lot of athleticism. There's Samoa Joe. You have A.J. [Styles]. I don't think there's really a better athlete in the business right now than A.J. Some of the things he can do reminds me of Shawn [Michaels] in his peak years, as far as athleticism."

On the Main Event Mafia clicking with viewers: "Whether it's The Horsemen, the nWo, the Main Event Mafia or DeGeneration X, it always seems like a faction, especially a heel faction, seems to work. The problems the babyfaces always have is that they're always fighting amongst themselves, and you get four or five guys that have a common goal to be the deterrent to them, I think storyline-wise it's easy for a wrestling fan to go, 'OK, that doesn't insult my intelligence. Five guys beating two makes sense.'
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]On TNA using veterans on top while also trying to build new stars: "A couple weeks ago, we did a thing where The Motor City Machine Guns came down and interacted with The Main Event Mafia, and I thought [Alex] Shelley came in and was brilliant on the mic. I just think that the more that we interact with them [the better]. I think the biggest problem booking-wise is that the young guys are so athletically gifted and -- I'll just use me as an example -- they have to work around me. I'm not ashamed to say it. I'll be 50 in July. You know, I'd love to pass the torch, to be that first generation of guys that makes stars. And we've got some guys that are ready."

On the staph infection in his elbow: "It looked like a gunshot wound even a month ago. It just looked the thing was never going to heal. We have a young surgeon that helps us at TNA, and about a month ago at TV he said, 'I can close that.' A week ago Thursday he surgically went in and put the thing back together. I won't be a hundred percent, but I'm definitely wrestling on Sunday."

Bret Hart interview; says he was better than Hogan and Flair, wearing pink to the ring and more.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The UK version of Maxim has an interview up with Bret Hart. Here are the highlights:

Is he really the best?: I'd never say I was better than The Dynamite Kid or Curt Hennig [Mr Perfect]. But I do know I was better than Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan and a lot of the other guys. Mark Calaway [The Undertaker] was a great pro: if you had to dive over the top rope and he said he'd catch you, trust him, he'd catch you. Pro wrestling is about trust and respect.

On injuries in wrestling: Yeah, Bill Goldberg did right at the end of my career. He kicked me in the head the way somebody might kick a crash test dummy. You're talking big, powerful men here, a lot of them on steroids. And when these guys don't have the skills or the understanding of the limitations of the human body, you get cases like mine. Bill's a sweetheart, but he got pushed to the top too quick.

His favorite finishing moves: Dynamite Kid's headbutt across the ring was very impressive. Mick Foley's 'Claw', where he stuck his hand down an opponent's throat, looked %#%!%$*% but it could really mess somebody up. And if you were lying underneath Randy Savage's elbow off the top rope, you'd feel it. The Ultimate Warrior's finish was awful, though - he'd lift the guy above his head and drop him on the mat, then run around about 15 times and jump on him. It didn't make much sense to me.

On wearing pink to the ring: Originally I was a bad guy, and it made the crowds hate me even more. Then people accepted it as part of my 'cool' image. It wasn't like I was tied into any gay thing. Still, looking back, maybe I should've switched to blue or something...

On The Wrestler, and who could write a better movie: It has many true-to-life parts, but serious pro wrestlers wouldn't hurt each other like they did. Outlawed wrestling companies may run those shows, but I'd never put a staplegun to another guy's chest. Jake's the only one who could write a story that's scarier, darker and uglier. He had loads of ability and charisma, but he was a victim of his own bad ways. He was a walking tragedy.

Chyna and Sean Waltman release another sex tape.

Red Light District, the porn distributor who released the Paris Hilton sex tape and One Night in China, has released a second called Another Night in China. This also includes Sean Waltman. Thought people might want to know that it looks like Chyna is still barely living these days, along with Sean Waltman.

Bryan Danielson's wrestling career could be coming to an end.

Bryan Danielson could be on his way out of Ring of Honor and possibly the wrestling business completely. Danielson has expressed interest in a possible future career in Mixed Martial Arts and has been training with Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas.

Danielson's current ROH deal is up next month and while officials have been negotiating to re-sign him, no deal has been reached. ROH officials have been trying to ink new contracts with all of their top talents since they got their national TV deal.

Obviously nothing is confirmed either way as Danielson could always test interest from WWE and TNA once his ROH deal is up. Danielson worked a dark match with WWE several months ago, however, he was unable to talk about a deal because of his ROH contract.

Lucha Libre wrestler Sicodelico Jr. signs with the WWE.

Mexican wrestler Sicodelico Jr. announced on his MySpace page that he has signed a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. The Lucha libre star actually put up a photo of himself holding his WWE contract, which you can see at www.myspace.com/sicodelicojr. In a letter posted on his page, he said will be going to WWE's developmental facility at Florida Championship Wrestling within the next few weeks to sharpen his skills before heading off to one of the three major brands. WWE officials have had off-and-on talks with Sicodelico Jr. for months. There was talk of bringing him in as a tag team with his cousin, Dos Caras, Jr., but they weren't fond of Caras, Jr.'s "star" attitude.

Matt Hardy suffers injury vs. Jeff in a house show TLC match.

Just thought I'd give more details on the Matt Hardy injury post from Saturday, as I was at the show in Cologne, Germany where the match took place. The match was pretty good, they also used ladders, chairs and a table but when Jeff Hardy hit a swanton on Matt (who had a chair on top off him) it somehow hit Matt's eye and he started to bleed profusely and the referee immediately did an X-sign. Another referee came and he brought some white towels to wipe Matt's face off. They did a cover and the match was over. After the match, Jeff did hit a twist of fate and Matt went right away to the locker room. When both Hardy's were in the back, both ref's started to clean the ring with other towels, meaning that the ring-mat was pretty bloody. Matt lost a fair amount of blood. After the show he was stitched up. A photo of Hardy busted open that ended the match is available http://www.thewrestlinganswer.com/images/galleries/hardybloodymess/slideshow.pl]here.[/url]

Some more news:

--John Cena vs Chris Jericho has been added to Raw tonight.
--There are several Smackdown guys on tonight's Raw.

So what exactly was the point of the draft again? Someone please remind me.

--Bobby Lashley has not signed a contract with TNA, but is probably going to work with them as well as continue in MMA, and may sign for a big name MMA fightas soon as today.

--Taz is coming to TNA shortly

--Impact did a 1.3 rating on Thursday while Superstars did a 0.9

--Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat has been added to Backlash in the latest of going a 180 on the mindset of last week, when they were told not to evenmention Steamboat's name on the air because he was done as a character.

--Box office estimates for the weekend saw Race to Witch Mountain at No. 15 ($661,000) and 12 Rounds way down the list ($255,000) so both are for all realpurposes right at their limit. 12 Rounds won't even hit $13 million so it's a major flop. Race to Witch Mountain is probably winding up around $65million.
Who wants to see the greatest wrestling .gif, ever?

Spoiler [+]
Yeah, that's The Undertaker. It was from a House Show this past weekend in Germany.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Who wants to see the greatest wrestling .gif, ever?

Spoiler [+]
Yeah, that's The Undertaker. It was from a House Show this past weekend in Germany.


Jeff should take the time off so he doesn't get doped up again. God forbid they would lessen the workload.I really could care less about the product. WithSmackdown and ECW being recorded on the same night Ihope we see an Edge & Christian reunion.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Who wants to see the greatest wrestling .gif, ever?

Spoiler [+]
Yeah, that's The Undertaker. It was from a House Show this past weekend in Germany.

That looks to short to be Taker and I thought his knees were hurt? He's running pretty fast for someone with bad knees
Serious question regarding the traveling schedule of the WWE. How much money do they actualy make as a profit off of house shows? They have to bring all thetalent in, and get probably between 4-7000 depending on the location. Is it actualy worth it to have house shows all the time? Raw and SD cost 2/3 of a milliondollars to produce each week. The gate for those shows doesnt even cover its production costs.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Who wants to see the greatest wrestling .gif, ever?

Spoiler [+]
Yeah, that's The Undertaker. It was from a House Show this past weekend in Germany.

The hell?????
Originally Posted by CHICHAN

HAHA is there a story behind that .gif at all?
I think Taker was just waiting for the "hot tag", and was getting really pumped for it
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