Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

So Heath Miller is over there just chatting it up with Luke Harper? Come on WWE.
No reason Wyatts, Usos, and Cesaro should be out there.  Just disrespectful
Blocked. You are NTs premier moron. Go back to asking dumb questions in the flyknit thread
u annonce your blocking me by blocking me then saying you blocked me?

I personally like the heels and faces together. It adds to the realism. Remember in WCW with the storyline of them dudes going over the finish?

EDIT: Like Ready to Rumble with DDP and King
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Just now chiming in, RVD and Paige winning just blew the doors off my survey, but Ziggler, Rusev, and hopefully Rollins, Brock, and Reigns (i guess) can save it.
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