Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Kane needs to be put out to pasture already. Just not interested in him being on the screen anymore. He's right up there with Cena in ruining good refreshing things.
I missed the first 2 minutes of the match, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't a MOTY candidate like most of yall thought it was going to be..
A fun match. 
The Fredo kiss and curb stomp. The look on his face during the whole thing too. That was great
Oh yessir. Everything he does has meaning. 

I will always remember when he was wrestling Ryback and he waiting in the corner doing the feed me more motions in a crazy way
I have this match as the worst match of the night.

Hope I'm proven wrong because so far the ppv had been really good.
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