Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Maybe it is all a huge con by the WWE. They keep all the actual wrestling off RAW so that we have to subscribe to the Network to actually see it.

Forget it, they aren't that smart.
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I think I've seen this "someone gets slapped, then one gets arrested and gets presse charges" before...
How many matches have there been tonight. Reigns/rybaxel, Rollins/Arby d, twagger/cesaro :smh: , and if you want to call it a match AJ/Eva? That's it??!
serious question...if you didnt have the network, would you be ordering summerslam? i think the card is awful.
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Man I see why y'all complain so much during Raw. I'm usually baked outta my mind when watching so I let things slide I guess. Watching sober makes me wanna smoke but I need to clean my pee for employment reasons. :frown:
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