Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Shut up Cena. You aint goin heel
Cena's promo was great.  You guys are just haters.
Lol, I didnt mind the promo. I actually loved last weeks. But him insinuating that hes done with the colorful shirts, wristbands, and happy go lucky guy because the fans boo him was too much. I will love it when he finally does get a heel turn. But we all know hes going back to Rhyming and cracking jokes during promos next week. 
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i think we all know summerslam gonna be trash,but brock winning the belt will make it worth it.watch him not win now 
Welp we're all believing that SS is gonna be a bust so at least 4wrestling 4wrestling won't be wasting his time with a prediction contest...or still results with previous ones :nerd:
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Welp we're all believing that SS is gonna be a bust so at least @4wrestling won't be wasting his time with a prediction contest...or still results with previous ones
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