Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Dolph Ziggler victory
Paige mounting AJ
Sting Promo

How could tonight possibly get any better??
2 for 4 and I only had two titles changing hands..So I either root for Cena to win or I get a question wrong.. :smh:
Oh yeah. Dolph worked out that jabroni Miz and Paige beat AJ. Survey is looking good right now but that's subject to change.
Dolph Ziggler victory
Paige mounting AJ
Sting Promo

How could tonight possibly get any better??
Cena gonna be dripping in blood tonight. He probably loaded up on that aspirin earlier. 

Dean and Seth bout to put on a MOTY candidate. 
2 for 4 and I only had two titles changing hands..So I either root for Cena to win or I get a question wrong..
I only had 1 title change good grief.

Bork 100% not gettting the belts tonight
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