Wrestling Thread Aug 24-30 | 8/28 - Smackdown - CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy - Steel Cage Loser Leaves Town

Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

Originally Posted by LetItRock

I still say we get Al Sharpton in, and we have all black champions for one night.
Blackdown. The dream lives on.

I dream of the day where MVP is WWE champ, Shelton is WHC, and Big Zeke is ECW Champ. All would be right in the world.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

Man, I have a whole vision revolving around that idea. It would all happen on the Friday before the newly christened Blacklash PPV. Ratings and PPV buyrates would be off the charts, I'm sure of it.

I have a vision for it too... I mentioned it a while back but a faction with all the black wrestlers would be
... the name would be Black Power and itwould simply amazing... I doubt any of the black wrestlers will ever be relevant to the world title again though... Mark Henry and MVP have the best shots andI don't see it happening with them anytime soon...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Anyone notice there was no mention of next week's host?

The show's in Cleveland. The reports are they are trying hard to get Lebron.
Well with Vince back on Raw, I suppose there probably might not be a host for Raw next week...who knows??
It aint gonna happen... The "E" should just have a heel Celebrity host!

I vote for Deshaun Stevenson... do it Vince
I just caught a little bit of the replay,

Next weeks host still up in the air:
WWE did not announce next weeks RAW guest host on this weeks RAW. I'm told they were talking with LeBron James but obviously a deal was not reached between the two sides before RAW went live. I'd expect an announcement via WWE.com at some point this week as to who next weeks guest host will be.
Lillian Garcia done?:
Many have speculated that this weeks RAW would be Lilian Garcia's final night in World Wrestling Entertainment considering she had August 24th listed as her last confirmed date with the company on her schedule. To put the speculation to rest, tonight will in fact NOT be her final night with the company. When asked on Twitter (twitter.com/liliangarcia) if tonight will be last night with WWE, Garcia responded with the following: "Nooooo!! Tonight is NOT my last night!!! That was a rumor. I should be here a few more weeks. Thks for all the love everyone!"
TNA's Jeremy Borash recently took a jab at WWE in a "tweet" on his official Twitter account:

"The Death of WCW commercial followed by a Hornswoggle vs Chavo boxing match? Pot? Kettle? Comment floodgates are NOW OPEN!"

A little while ago there was a bunch of wrestlers who failed the wellness policy of the WWE. But they never said who they were only that they were to bepunished. Is there any reason not to believe that Chavo may have failed and as a punishment they have him feud with Hornswoggle. I also noticed that MVP was ona losing streak until Summerslam so could he have failed the wellness policy as well.
Heat on Abraham Washington

- Abraham Washington has been getting some heat in certain circles within WWE with people saying he has a huge ego and his talk show character portrayed on ECW is very close to his real-life persona.
Cody Rhodes Interview, even explains the Triforce on his boots.
On the surface, WWE's Cody Rhodes doesn't remind you of his father, the legendary Dusty Rhodes, and that's a good thing. With interests ranging from video games to superheroes, Cody seems to connect with a young generation of viewers, not just the tradition or "Legacy" in which he follows.

FanHouse recently spoke with the 24-year-old about THQ's WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 game, the honor of wrestling at SummerSlam, and his in-depth thoughts on the professional wrestling industry. Read our complete interview after the jump.

I wanted to ask you an offbeat question to start, because being a huge video game fan I found it fascinating that you actually have a Triforce from The Legend of Zelda on your boot?
Cody Rhodes: The Triforce, man, yeah! I tell people all the time, I was part of The Wizard generation, I love video games. When I was younger, instead of reading books I played video games and one of the things I genuinely thought I could apply towards my life was the meaning of the Triforce -- the power, courage, and wisdom -- so I slapped it on my boots.

Speaking of video games, I wanted to get your take on WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010. What are you looking forward to the most?
I know the game is taking a page out of Madden's book, in terms of going for a hyper-realism. And the gameplay itself might slow down, but the realism and graphics and the collision detection, they're trying to improve it greatly. The game is a real, real fun game, but it hasn't always been a pick-up game. I think this year might be the first time that it's easier to pick up and play, and it's for the casual fan as well.

I heard there's this new paint tool in the game so you can create logos and tattoos for the characters. Would you give yourself a Triforce tattoo? What kind of tattoo do you think Shawn Michaels and Triple H should get?
Well, you know what, I absolutely would give myself a Triforce tattoo if I had the opportunity. Shawn Michaels has that questionable heart on his arm with the sword and all that. If we're going with game references and I'm putting a Triforce on my body, I think maybe a Kirby would be a good fit for them. Shawn could have Kirby on the other arm.

(laughing) That works. You'll also be able to share content like story lines in this year's version. Do you play any fans online generally? And what's the weirdest thing a fan has ever sent or gave you?
On Xbox Live I have an ambiguous gamer tag like anyone else, so no one really knows they're playing me usually. And that's probably a good thing, because I'm a pretty ruthless trash-talker online and my game never follows, ever. I'm never as good as I say I am, in Halo, Madden, especially Madden it's miserable. I'm OK at Fight Night Round 4, I'm picking that one up. I had the chance the other day to redeem my THQ challenge from this past WrestleMania and punked out Kofi Kingston with Mike Tyson, so I feel a little better.

I have to admit I was a little jealous when I found out that you actually have the original X-Men arcade game in your garage? I pumped a lot of quarters into that one back in the day.
(laughing) Yeah man, it's in my garage! It's the original, original. It's all six players. It's unreal. The problem is though, it will stay in my garage, because it is too big to get in the house.

That and WrestleFest were definitely the two best arcade games. So when you're playing wrestling games, who is your favorite character to use other than yourself?
I enjoyed playing as my father on the recent Legends of WrestleMania game, that was unique. I like playing as some of these unsung heroes. I played as Rick Rude a lot in the Legends game, guys like that.

You know, when I think back to wrestlers like Rick Rude, Ultimate Warrior and a lot of the old WWE personalities, they seem straight out of a comic book. Being a big comic book fan yourself, do you think that kind of cartoonish character could get over with fans today?
The WWE universe is very fluid. Once you think you know what they like, they like something else, or they dislike something else. In my opinion, I don't think so. Since the rise of Steve Austin and since a character like John Cena came across, I think wrestling and sports entertainment go in these circles where fans want a little more grit. A little more reality. I actually laughed out loud this week when I looked at a picture of Warrior, "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan. I loved it, but today I think they'd be perhaps laughed out of an arena just because fans are looking for more of a -- and they always are -- but more of an emotional connection with the different superstars, you know?

Yeah, I completely see that. Another one of the differences is I think the heels (aka bad guys) appeared to be bolder types in the '80s and '90s, with fans truly hating these guys. When I spoke to Honky Tonk Man, he said that nobody wants to be a real bad guy anymore. Do you think that's true these days?
It's tough when you classify, but Honky Tonk Man knows what he's talking about. A lot of guys, it's not that they don't wanna be bad or edgy, but there are just a lot of guys who want to be the next Rock. They want to be the next John Cena. And when you attempt to be the next anything, you're going to fall flat on your face. When we walk into an arena, if the fans boo us out of the building, and the fans go ballistic when John Cena gives us an attitude adjustment, or when Triple H tries to give one of us the Pedigree, that's what the experience is about. It's about putting smiles on the fans' faces. In my case, and I can speak for Ted (DiBiase) and Randy (Orton) in this instance, we are three guys who are pretty rough around the edges and genuinely don't mind being bad guys.

You have such a great heritage rooted in wrestling, with your father Dusty and your brother Dustin, and you're even the nephew of Jerry Sags formerly of The Nasty Boys. Is it harder to break out of the mold because of that?
It can be ... You walk in the door and there's a bull's-eye slapped on your back. There's the, of course, readied statement that he or she is only here because of he or she. That's why I get along with Ted DiBiase, because right when we walked in that was just motivating. It wasn't a burden, it was motivation. It was, hey, well there's no shame in saying I wanna be better than "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, and in his case, I wanna be better than "The Million Dollar Man." That's why I think we've gotten this far. Now we're gonna have the opportunity to wrestle D-Generation X at SummerSlam and we're gonna tear the house down. And that opportunity has been given to us because we didn't want to be juniors. I can remember Ted DiBiase's first day. He came in and they announced him as Ted DiBiase, Jr., and he said "No thank you, I'm Ted DiBiase." I was sold on him then.

You mentioned teaming with DiBiase against, I guess what is this, the fourth incarnation of D-X at SummerSlam? Do you think the outcome will be any different now that the playing field is level and Triple H has a partner?
This is my take on D-Generation X. The shtick is as funny as ever. These videos we see backstage, the things they did with the McMahon family the last time, those things are as funny as can be to me. But these two are aging superstars, and they are the tops in their field, but nobody lasts forever. I think the outcome will be different than it has been in the past. We would like to be on the top of the business, and we're willing to do the legwork to be on the top of the business. Their jokes are just as funny, but I'm not sure they can hang in the ring with The Legacy.

I think the age difference between Shawn Michaels and you is almost like two decades. That's pretty unreal, no?
(laughing) All I can say is this: I very much am looking forward to wrestling with Shawn Michaels, whether he likes it or not, because Shawn Michaels was my favorite wrestler growing up. My poor old dad had to hear that countless times. In the ring, to be billed on the same card as him, I could go nuts and be a fan over it, but I'm gonna approach it as a competitor in the game that I'm in.

When do you see a wrestler like Michaels or Triple H retiring? Has it changed these days, where guys have to start thinking about how long they can really do this before their bodies start to break down?
Well, Triple H is just a model of how to take care of yourself. Everything from his diet to his passion for bodybuilding, his lifestyle is the model. Other professional wrestlers in the past may not have taken appropriate care of themselves. That's what is kind of scary about Triple H, and in some respects, Shawn Michaels, even with the injuries he's sustained in his career. Those guys aren't going away until somebody says, "I wanna have your spot." So I don't see it happening anytime soon.

How does it feel to be a part of SummerSlam -- one of the storied, original four WWE pay-per-views?
Ahh, I get angry when young talent doesn't realize how big of a deal that is. When I grew up, SummerSlam 1992, I must've gone to a Blockbuster every week and rented that, and re-rented it. Now I'm on SummerSlam wrestling two guys who have been on countless of the big four shows. You can get as excited or giddy about the match as you want, but all they are for me and for most of the superstars, is they're an opportunity. They're the chance to submit -- and no pun intended -- your legacy ... to say this is what I was capable of on that night.

You rose quickly from your Ohio Valley Wrestling roots to WWE stardom. You were a tag-team champ just months after a TV debut. What or who do you credit the most for that rise?
You mention I rose very quickly from OVW to the Monday Night Raw show, and I'll be the first to state it -- I rose too quickly. In the past year, I've made so many improvements from my physique to my in-ring ability, and sought out the best -- from a strength trainer to some of the best in-ring technicians to teach me. Initially, I didn't have all those tools. I just had the want. I guess if I had to credit somebody, oddly enough, I would credit Vince McMahon. He saw something in me and I won't let him down.

When do you see yourself breaking off the tag-team circuit and establishing yourself as a solo star?
I always get told this from my father, and as much as I don't want him to be, he is right about this ... when it's time. One thing we have been very fortunate of, is we have not been rushed. We have been allowed to grow, and that's a real treat. I know that Ted has ambitions to be a singles superstar and I have ambitions myself. I would say that, perhaps in the year 2010 you might see, not so much a split of The Legacy, but different paths being taken.

Many claim there hasn't been kind of a breakout solo star in a while. Do you think it's tougher to establish stars today? And not naming yourself, who can make that jump in your opinion?
I personally think that when people say stuff like that, when people say there hasn't been a breakout, I ask them if they saw the last breakout coming. Did anyone foresee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin? Did anyone see John Cena coming? If anyone tells you yes, then they're lying to you. Monday Night Raw is like a varsity team. And it's filled with freshmen. Very talented, very young, but it's something the fans are now getting to grow with. It's a cool experience. I can remember watching Michaels go from tag to Intercontinental Champion to taking the longest run possible to the WWE championship. I think it might be a while till somebody becomes that breakout star, but I know that you have a lot of hopefuls. You have a United States Champion who's more talented than most in Kofi Kingston. You have a legit All-American in Jack Swagger. You have a guy who can do things that Cirque du Soleil can't do with wires and walls in Evan Bourne. And you have me and Ted DiBiase, who will spend our dying breath on trying to make sure that we're remembered for something else than being the sons of "The Million Dollar Man" and "The American Dream."

Final question. I read you're a big T.O. fan, but have been committed to the Cowboys. Are you sticking with the Cowboys now that T.O.'s moved on? And give me your Super Bowl pick for this season.
Here's the issue. My sister was a cheerleader for the Cowboys for two seasons. It was her life ambition and she now sits at home and watches that CMT show, and we're still die-hard Cowboys fans. But I have to support who I think is the best player, and just most entertaining player in the NFL, so I have to support Terrell Owens. If I'm giving you my Super Bowl pick ... it's gonna be the Buffalo Bills.

(laughing) Nice.
Yeah, I gotta support him.
Nice interview by Cody Rhodes. I think he needs to bulk up a bit though. And buy some knee pads.

@ Jeremy Borash. Dead on.
For all you GWO members, go to M.WWE.Com, go to wallpapers, go to Raw, Smackdown, and/or ECW, peep the wallpapers, and right click and save whatever you want.

I hope LeBron does host Raw. That would be a good look.
Ok first time posting on here i really don't get a lot of time on the comp...but still i like wrestling but god these last few yearr WWE has been on such adownward spiral
Raw this past week was sub par at best *For some reason i cant take the vision of a 2 man DX....at least get x-pac back or something*
Vince always tries to push himself over at random times....remember when he was ECW champion??.
I swear it feels like every week i tune in hoping to hear the Rocks music and having him slap some sense into the superstars.
For the whole G.W.O. thing.....what do i gotta do to sign up?
G.W.O. The Hurricane
Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by funkdoctor73

wheres the update GWO roster? I was going to have my sig say "Ezekiel hold me weed", but then Kendrick got released.

Updated gWo Rosters below. If your interested, post in this thread with the wrestler you want or PM me. If you need a sig or avy, holla at us!

Mister916 - Chris Jericho
chino905- Bret Hart
masterhammy23 - The Undertaker
AquaGrape2345 -Kevin Nash
ao17 - Edge
USA Pride4Life - Ted DiBiase
MeanGene- Mean Gene Okerlund
CarpeDiemKJ- Macho Man Randy Savage
gstbmn- Mick Foley
Mblackmon- Booker T
Jules300- Taz
nyzMaGician- Rob Van Dam
TheDeek- John Morrison
Bonafide125- Batista
DC5 06- Randy Orton
JohnnyRedStorm- Jeff Hardy
The Minister- Ric Flair
Quiickz- New Jack
LetItRock- Kurt Angle
HardWork919-D-Lo Brown
22stylez- HHH
I Na Smatic I- Chris Benoit
basketballsavant-Rick Rude
Physicx- Funaki
jdkurt2- Brian Pillman
mjmoney- Hulk Hogan
furiousstylezz- Sabu
maelstroom- Eddie Guerrero
Tennhouse2- Shawn Michaels
Je Ne Sais Quoi- Psycho Sid
Jmal516- The Rock
100PROOF- Gillberg
YardFather- Dolph Ziggler
funkdoctor73- Tommy Dreamer
MambaMVP- John Cena
horchata kid- Jushin "Thunder" Liger
JayADiCt92- Stone Cold Steve Austin
Retrogearsolid- Mr.Perfect
R23J- Goldberg
RBeezy32- Razor Ramon
BayBuryYa- Elijah Burke
ovATyME316- Homicide
Bowzer Blitz- Rick Martel
shaft- Christian Cage
JRAdagreat72- Terry Funk
ElCubanoDel510- Ultimo Dragon
TeamCharisma69-Brock Lesnar
ILL matic E- Scott Steiner
The Warehouse- Kane
Michaelfoooo- Taka Michinoku
AirUpHere23- Sting
xxxoverridexxx- Doink the Clown
SoLeCity- Ultimate Warrior
NIMO007- La Parka
KrazyChino- Muhammad Hassan
TaflanDon- HBK (D-X version)
I'll take Road Dogg if it has not been taken as of yet.
Jeff Hardy news:
The day after his brutal TLC match with CM Punk at SummerSlam, Jeff Hardy posted a brief message on his Twitter page that says, "Hurting..." Despite the pain, Hardy will be back in action at tonight's WWE SmackDown tapings when he faces new World Heavyweight champion CM Punk in a steel cage match.
How Lillian will exit:
No guest host has been announced for next week's edition of Raw, but there have been rumblings that it may be Lilian Garcia. If so, her final act would be to name her successor as the ring announcer of Raw.
WWE satisfied with SummerSlam:
WWE is said to be looking at SummerSlam as a win-win situation even if the buyrate doesn't do well. The company was said to be happy with all the connections they made in Los Angeles in the weeks leading up to the event.
Undertaker's in-ring return:
The Metro Centre in Rockford, Illinois posted the following message on Twitter: "Just found out the Undertaker will be battling CM Punk in a Heavyweight Championship bout here September 8 WWE Smackdown/ECW Live"
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