Wrestling Thread Aug 25-Sep 7 | 9/1 RAW - Happy Labor Day - Super Cena Has Returned

Not to be a groupie, but I have been looking at that LitaCanRana .gif non-stop. The shift in direction is a thing of benauty.


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9.99 :smokin

And they really gon have Bray do a promo before he jobs to Cena :smh:
They really dont want him to succeed do they?
They will try but it won't work. At least cena was entertaining during his rapper phase. Reigns is already boring

It took 3-4 years for people to get bored with cena. Then another 4 - 5 for them to become super vocal about it.

Reigns is struggling to keep interest off his signature moves and cool entrance that he got to keep.
It always seems like the episodes that I make it home for always suck, and the ones I miss and listen to on Review-A-Raw are the best TV ever.
Poor slater. He goes from one jobber team in the core, to his own jobber team in 3mb, to this jobber team.

Dude is the new generations job squad representative.
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