Wrestling Thread Aug 26-Sep 8 | 9/2 RAW - Happy Labor Day

Seeing a bunch of random off beat white people doing the Prime Time Playas side to side dance is too funny.
I hate it. Just another corny/forced ethnically stereotyped set of wrestlers.

Why can't non-white wrestlers be "regular."

I hear you and agree with you in regards to the wrestlers. I was just talking about the fans that do it. Like you referenced though, the fans wouldn't do it if the wrestlers weren't "forced" to do it.
Off topic but Just realized that that dude in the WWE shop commercial doing all those hat tricks is the guy I saw @ AMGT when I went there.
Yea but he wears a Nation of Islam Singlet. So not completely.
Well unfortunately that's as close as you're gonna get, man.
They could give him that Kerwin White treatment.
Please don't, I want all black wrestlers to have longevity till they're seventy and that gimmick screams future endeavored.
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