Wrestling Thread Aug 31-Sep 13: 9/7 Raw- Happy Labor Day, Paige vs Sasha

I mean, the writing is on the wall.

Sext loses both straps to set up Honner feud / Sext turns face. Then angle towards Shield triple threat at WM32.
I mean, the writing is on the wall.

Sext loses both straps to set up Honner feud / Sext turns face. Then angle towards Shield triple threat at WM32.

I still think that Sheamus wilk cash in after HHH turns on Seth.

HIAC will probably be

Sheamus VS Orton for the WWEWHC
he should and eventually have triple h humble him. have seth pop off about being the greatest wrestler of all time. how he's done things that not even triple h could do.
- WWE is teasing a new partner for Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose as they now have to deal with three Wyatt Family members – Braun Strowman, Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. We noted before that Reigns and Ambrose vs. Harper and Wyatt is likely for Night of Champions, so it looks like we could see the debut of their third man there or they could do it on an upcoming RAW and turn the pay-per-view match into a six-man.

Regarding former Wyatt Family member Erick Rowan possibly joining Reigns and Ambrose, he has been out of action since June after suffering a torn bicep. There was talk at one point that he could be out of action for 4-6 months and the last word we heard was November. An early return is always possible but one report we heard in June said longer than 6 months was a real possibility.

I know some of yall may suspect maybe a NXT call up potentially but watch it be someone like Kane. :stoneface:

Mystery man has been added to NoC.

Has to be Kane, there really isn't anyone else.

watch it be a nxt call up. who's the biggest guy out there? corbin?
- WWE is teasing a new partner for Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose as they now have to deal with three Wyatt Family members – Braun Strowman, Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. We noted before that Reigns and Ambrose vs. Harper and Wyatt is likely for Night of Champions, so it looks like we could see the debut of their third man there or they could do it on an upcoming RAW and turn the pay-per-view match into a six-man.

Regarding former Wyatt Family member Erick Rowan possibly joining Reigns and Ambrose, he has been out of action since June after suffering a torn bicep. There was talk at one point that he could be out of action for 4-6 months and the last word we heard was November. An early return is always possible but one report we heard in June said longer than 6 months was a real possibility.

I know some of yall may suspect maybe a NXT call up potentially but watch it be someone like Kane. :stoneface:

Mystery man has been added to NoC.

Has to be Kane, there really isn't anyone else.

watch it be a nxt call up. who's the biggest guy out there? corbin?

I just don't see anyone from NXT being someone to even it up.

I think Kane is it because he will be used as the guy who can go toe to toe vs Strowman. Besides, Kane is an enhancemen talen nowaday, he'll eat the pin.

If it's Rowan returning as a face, WWE is clueless, unless he turns on Reigns and Dean.

If that happens, i could see the Uso's team with Dean and Reigns.
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Seth shouldn't lose the title. He should keep the title til mania for the shield triple threat. Or if he does lose it to Sheamus he should win it back by rumble. Reigns is going to win the rumble again though
i have no problems with him winning the RR if Seth is still champion. it actually makes sense. have him get his revenge at 32.
Anyone here going? It's in Orlando.
It's confirmed to be in Orlando? Pretty smark crowd then, right?

If they're going with Shield triple threat at WM32, Ramen wins RR (only plausible idea) and Amber Rose wants another shot after semi-screwy finishes to Sext/Ambrose matches.
cena gonna be holding the straph after wm32

wwe burying cesaro :smh:
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cena gonna be holding the straph after wm32
Or they could go with this. Texas gonna pop hard for Chena 16x.

As of right now, who do you guys think is the top 3 favorites to win the Rumble?..

1. Sext (entering at #1 to break the record for longest time in a Rumble)
2. Reigns..
3. KO..

*DBry being a surprise entrant and winning is a close 4th..
i think sev should win the RR & go on to capture the IC title soon after :nthat:

but i feel like its a face platform, that is, a device to elevate a face
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As of right now, who do you guys think is the top 3 favorites to win the Rumble?..

1. Sext (entering at #1 to break the record for longest time in a Rumble)
2. Reigns..

*DBry being a surprise entrant and winning is a close 4th..
Man, they spent so much time trying to injure DBry, he probably has less of a chance than my boy Axel at winning the Rumble

1. Cena

2. Reigns

3. Brock (if he's even an entrant)
I'd be down with that if her career trajectory was the same
The best we can hope for is her and Nikki getting pregnant
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Bored as ****...

As of right now, who do you guys think is the top 3 favorites to win the Rumble?..

1. Sext (entering at #1 to break the record for longest time in a Rumble)
2. Reigns..
3. KO..

*DBry being a surprise entrant and winning is a close 4th..

Seth(as a face..whichs means HEADBANG MOSH PIT SETH METAL)
Reigns(because HE CAN. HE WILL. )
Ambrose(because he's the LUNATIC FRINGE)

I can actually see them being the final 3...
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Bored as ****...

As of right now, who do you guys think is the top 3 favorites to win the Rumble?..

1. Sext (entering at #1 to break the record for longest time in a Rumble)
2. Reigns..
3. KO..

*DBry being a surprise entrant and winning is a close 4th..

Seth(as a face..whichs means HEADBANG MOSH PIT SETH METAL)
Reigns(because HE CAN. HE WILL. )
Ambrose(because he's the LUNATIC FRINGE)

I can actually see them being the final 3...

And THE DEMON KANE tosses all 3 :rofl:
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