Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

If Smackdown Moves to Thursdays, Are You...?

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I thought ADR's contract was supposed to have been expired months ago and he was going back to Mexico..
Does Vince really think pimping the Network so hard will get more subscribers?? This just reeks of desperation
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This 9.99 thing is like when you and your buddies get stuck on a joke and ride it into the ground and think it is hilarious every damn time.

Thing is, these fools are oblivious to the fact they are being heard by millions of people... :smh:
I'm sad that I can't watch with you guys tonight :frown:

I'm gonna go vintage 4w and post my thoughts when I watch later.
Putting all the old video games (WWF, WCW, ECW) ever made on The Network to be able for play on XBox and PS4 would make the Network a must buy.
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