Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

@casekicks  I got your back man. Just chalk it up to different mentalities man. I am with you and everything you say.

RvD is the WORST example of a "heel." Nothing about RvD in his career was heel other than his affiliation with Billy Alfonzo. Other than that, fans always cheered him; he always put on athletic shows. He didn't cheat to win. So, no, RVD wasn't a heel

Also, ECW is a BAD example of a company because they are honestly the reason why the "cool moves for everyone" approach exists in wrestling these days. (One could also say the same about Lucha, but at least their heels CHEATED).

The lines are blurred these days, and I don't really like it.

There is a GREAT conversation between Stone Cold / Court Bauer / @Mister Saint Laurent   about this VERY topic. They talked about how Bobby Eaton went through the same thing we are speaking of re: Rollins. But they all agreed that heels aren't allowed to be heels today due to the restrictions that WWE puts on their wrestlers.

Part 1 of @steveaustinBSR on MLW Radio is out talking #WWE, Memphis, Bill Watts in WCW & more! Please rate & review https://t.co/OP1B4JGhyk
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We're just gonna have to agree to disagree..I think Seth is a ****** heel and there's nothing y'all can say to change my mind..He's a babyface plain and simple..I'll still love his matches and love his in ring work, but nothing he's currently doing is going to make me respect him as a heel..

I love arguing with y'all..It's what makes the NTWT the greatest group in NT history..
I don't think your personality should overly affect your style of attack...perhaps you might emphasize the high impact portion of your toolbox to inflict maximum pain on your opponent if you're going through a time in your life where you feel betrayed, underappreciated, avaricious, broken or otherwise triggered, but the methods you employ in the ring have driven your success throughout your career and all should be employed strategically regardless of your temperament. You just might enjoy sharing your inner suffering a bit more.

Besides, someone like Seth Rollins is likely to perform spectacular techniques to show up his opponents and to feed his own ego as opposed to pleasing the fans.
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 I got your back man. Just chalk it up to different mentalities man. I am with you and everything you say.

RvD is the WORST example of a "heel." Nothing about RvD in his career was heel other than his affiliation with Billy Alfonzo. Other than that, fans always cheered him; he always put on athletic shows. He didn't cheat to win. So, no, RVD wasn't a heel

Also, ECW is a BAD example of a company because they are honestly the reason why the "cool moves for everyone" approach exists in wrestling these days. (One could also say the same about Lucha, but at least their heels CHEATED).

The lines are blurred these days, and I don't really like it.

There is a GREAT conversation between Stone Cold / Court Bauer / @Mister Saint Laurent
  about this VERY topic. They talked about how Bobby Eaton went through the same thing we are speaking of re: Rollins. But they all agreed that heels aren't allowed to be heels today due to the restrictions that WWE puts on their wrestlers.

Part 1 of @steveaustinBSR on MLW Radio is out talking #WWE, Memphis, Bill Watts in WCW & more! Please rate & review https://t.co/OP1B4JGhyk

I'ma give this a listen as soon as we get back from taking the kids to see Suicide Squad..Good lookin' out brother DC..NWA/WCW 4 Lyfe!..
See, maybe that is what HBK did. Maybe that is what a heel Dolph would do. But Seth doesn't strike me as a, "SHow off" type of wrestler. He doesn't exude conceit like those other two wrestlers did/do. So, when he flies, to me, it is to appeal to the fans. But again, it is all about perception. 

While I am not as ANTI-Heel Seth as much as Case, I think he is more of a cowardly heel than anything. Of course he could work on his promos more as I also am never convinced he is a heel through his promo work. 
See, maybe that is what HBK did. Maybe that is what a heel Dolph would do. But Seth doesn't strike me as a, "SHow off" type of wrestler. He doesn't exude conceit like those other two wrestlers did/do. So, when he flies, to me, it is to appeal to the fans. But again, it is all about perception. 

While I am not as ANTI-Heel Seth as much as Case, I think he is more of a cowardly heel than anything. Of course he could work on his promos more as I also am never convinced he is a heel through his promo work. 
You hit nail on the head with the HBK/Dolph part. Seth is not like them... IMO, he's had 2 different kind of runs now. When he had his title run and J&J and Authority backing him, he played the cowardly/chicken **** heel role really well. Once he split up from those guys though, it seems like his character has changed, and now he wins matches clean for the most part and then talks/brags about how great he is.
Our frienship is over case

Meet me in the parking lot and we'll settle this like men

If you want this disagreement to ruin our friendship, then so be it..

But trust me when I say you don't want to see me in the parking lot..I'm 1/3 robot and you can't handle this brother PLVN..So let's just go our separate ways and call it a day..
re: Kevin Owens

His moonsaults always miss. As Case said, heels miss.

His Frog Splash, good comparison to Vader doing spots.

But I have said the same about Owens, his moves are too damn cool to be a true heel. He ACTS like a heel, but he doesn't completely wrestle like a heel. He has one of the most video game like movesets in all of wrestling. 

I wish he would tone it down some and be more of a "Prize Fighter" (Like he was billed as in NXT)
IMO, he's had 2 different kind of runs now. When he had his title run and J&J and Authority backing him, he played the cowardly/chicken **** heel role really well. Once he split up from those guys though, it seems like his character has changed, and now he wins matches clean for the most part and then talks/brags about how great he is.
I don't know WHAT he is now. Now that you mention it, he isn't really cowardly anymore. Damn, you are right.

So yea, dude's character is lost right now.

And why on earth is he still doing the Pedigree? Is he and HHH ever going to wrestle?
If you want this disagreement to ruin our friendship, then so be it..

But trust me when I say you don't want to see me in the parking lot..I'm 1/3 robot and you can't handle this brother PLVN..So let's just go our separate ways and call it a day..

You're lucky I have to meet with my probation officer robo man

You shall be spared on this day
I was about to come home and watch some 1990s NBA Games, but I remembered that I didn't watch NXT from last week. So I fired it up. I enjoy that they are slowly turning Asuka heel. Again, for those of you that try to downplay my dude's importance, Muta's heel gimmick of the, "Aggressive, killer, Japanese" heel that he used in the late 80s, is something that can work for Asuka. She is DESTROY Bayley at Takeover man. Keep her undefeated
re: Kevin Owens

His moonsaults always miss. As Case said, heels miss.

His Frog Splash, good comparison to Vader doing spots.

But I have said the same about Owens, his moves are too damn cool to be a true heel. He ACTS like a heel, but he doesn't completely wrestle like a heel. He has one of the most video game like movesets in all of wrestling. 

I wish he would tone it down some and be more of a "Prize Fighter" (Like he was billed as in NXT)

I wish he would be more of the prize fighter persona too..But he still plays the in ring heel better than pretty much anyone else in the company..Even how he talks to his opponents during the match is such a true heel way to behave..And when you add in his excellent heel mic work it all adds up to him being the best heel in the company..And IMO, he's still being wasted and should be the main heel in the UHC title picture..

View media item 1904815
I was about to come home and watch some 1990s NBA Games, but I remembered that I didn't watch NXT from last week. So I fired it up. I enjoy that they are slowly turning Asuka heel. Again, for those of you that try to downplay my dude's importance, Muta's heel gimmick of the, "Aggressive, killer, Japanese" heel that he used in the late 80s, is something that can work for Asuka. She is DESTROY Bayley at Takeover man. Keep her undefeated

You think Joe and Nakamura will put on a good match?

I'm excited for it
Owens has one foot in and one foot out man. He WANTS to be a heel, but he grew up as an internet wrestling dude that jerked off to Japanese Wrestling and the WCW Cruiserweight division. (As did anyone that wrestled in ROH)

I wish he would just go all out and be the killer he could be
I agree with DC about Oscar. She needs to just decimate the females for a while

Then let Fire Spin Moon eventually beat her
It's easy to see Seth is the type of dude that gets off on his own potential...one listen to that arrogant laugh of his is enough proof of that. While he did have some paranoia issues in his extended title run that lead to his hiring of J&J--and he's not the first guy to let that gold reflect the worst parts of his personality--he's an unmistakably self-assured competitor and it shows in the techniques he chooses. Takes at least a half-ton of belief in your abilities to go to your wrestling trainer and ask to learn the Phoenix Splash.

KO is a different matter...I personally have the opinion that he favors showier techniques to silence doubters of his athleticism due to his Roy Nelsonish physique. Kind of a pre-emptive "shut the **** up" to his detractors. Doesn't make dude less of a prick.
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But I was asked why KO gets a pass..And he gets a pass cause he cuts the best heel promos in the company and his overall move set is not one based on getting the fans to cheer..

And what exact high spots and flips does KO do that can be compared to a face?..The Moonsault?..If you notice he misses that the majority of the time, which is what a heel is supposed to do..The Pop Up Powerbomb isn't a high flying move and neither is the cannonball..So what moves are you referring to?..

Frogsplash? I agree with you brother case your wasting your breath with these younging
Mike Tenay made the argument that Rey Mysterio Jr, at the time 1996, was the best 21 year old professional wrestler in the history of the sport.

But yall wanted to tell me Sasha Banks, at the age of 22, was something special.
Mike Tenay made the argument that Rey Mysterio Jr, at the time 1996, was the best 21 year old professional wrestler in the history of the sport.

But yall wanted to tell me Sasha Banks, at the age of 22, was something special.

Rey's run in WCW was probably one of the greatest I've ever seen..His work in WCW was a big part of the company overtaking WWF in the ratings..And he consistently had the best match on Nitro/PPV..You really can't overstate exactly how valuable he was to WCW's success..
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