Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Hey guys, been MIA for the last week...Just had one of my best friends pass away from a brain aneurysm after being with him all weekend. It's been a rough last 3 days or so...Need to try to get my mind off it for the next few days until the viewing/funeral...

This sucks b. Gotta go get checked this week too. Been having these razor sharp pains in my head. That's usually a sign For a 3 things 2 which are serious
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So sorry to hear that @B Sox. I lost a cousin to the same fate on some random ****. Time and love ones are precious, make the most of each.
Stay up BSox, my grandma on my dad's side passed the same way. Some rough stuff, doesn't matter how old or young you are
Rip to the homie of B Sox. Naomi's new look and gimmick is terrible. Will make a revision to that statement in two months if it's still on television.
I've seen all except the Roman one [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] seeing what goes on backstage is the best

Breaking Ground is just as good too. I watched the NXT Brooklyn one and it reminded me, "What the hell happened to Blue Pants?!" [emoji]128553[/emoji]
That Women's Revolution special was pretty good..But @DCAllAmerican you cannot watch it..
As soon as Lana says her first words out of character I immediately thought about DC/kayfabe..
Nobody should go up to any "celeb"/sports star and bother them during their personal time. They don't owe anybody anything I don't know why people feel like they do

Dude don't tell me what I can and can't do

I don't regret taking that pic and if I see her in the airport again I'd do the same thing
Nope, no Lana

Creep being exposed [emoji]128514[/emoji] at the very most it should at least be "Hi, can I get a picture?" Sasha didnt even want to stand up lmao
LOL that guys twitter is literally him waiting at airports to take pictures with celebrities [emoji]128128[/emoji][emoji]128169[/emoji]
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