Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

AWA Hall was a good guy , I remember him having beef with jacka**es like Colonel DeBeers. I also remember Hall as the Diamond Stud in WCW., first showing attitude. Curt Henning was always in the title picture in the mid 80's, he was a second generation wrestler so they played that up. HBK always had potential, but he was heavier. He started out around 19 years old .

Rumors circulating that Ru Ru is hearing trumpets next Monday


@6 rings MJ

BAEley went home and cried her eyes out.

They should make bailey turn heel in NXT. Whine and cry every week about not getting called up


I got you

As of this morning, the WWE scheduling committee was told that the WWE Champion will be working both RAW and SmackDown brands.

It’s believed that they will do so until after the SummerSlam event, which means that there will be only one title for both brands.
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Nope he's what 35 Case is a young gun.

Just turned 28 a couple months ago..So this dude is definitely older than me..Didn't start watching wrestling til around 99-00..I need to get the network and look up some old stuff from the early 90's..
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