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Multiple sources have confirmed to PWInsider that there was a backstage fight at tonight’s Smackdown live taping. It was reportedly between Simon Gotch of the Vaudevillians and Sin Cara in the catering area.

Didn't HuniCara get into a fight before, and won? :lol:

Peep Game Peep Game

Yea he smoked Sheamus like a *****
Draft day [emoji]128526[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]
Multiple sources have confirmed to PWInsider that there was a backstage fight at tonight’s Smackdown live taping. It was reportedly between Simon Gotch of the Vaudevillians and Sin Cara in the catering area.

Didn't HuniCara get into a fight before, and won? :lol:

[@=https://niketalk.com/members/37733"Mr DragonFly Jones" url="/t/651459/wrestling-thread-july-19th-26th-first-smackdown-live-of-new-era-tonight-8pm-et-live-draft-tonight/160_20#post_26210317"]
I believe OG Sin Cara legit washed Sheamus once.

I know Yoshi Tatsu gave Fella that work and made him cry :lol:

Source: MLW Radio

On a recent episode of MLW Radio featuring Court Bauer and former WCW alumnus Konnan, the hosts were speaking about this weekend's WWE Money In The Bank pay-per-view, and Konnan voiced his displeasure at having Sheamus possibly win the title on Sunday night.

Konnan then spoke about Sheamus' incident with Sin Cara, better known as Hunico, referring to an alleged backstage fight between the two in May. The former WCW star said Sin Cara got the better of Sheamus, and the Celtic Warrior tried to "cover it up like it was nothing."

Apparently, Sin Cara had a problem with Drew McIntyre, accusing him of shaking hands with the bigger and leading guys in the back, and not the others. Konnan related it to the incident involving Batista and Booker T of the same nature.

According to Konnan, a few days later in the trainer's arena, Sheamus walked by Sin Cara, who was lying on the bed, and made a remark saying he was more important than him. He told him to get off, and that he needed to be attended to. After getting up and "calling him out," Konnan said that Sheamus threw the first punch and then had his legs swept by Sin Cara, while getting punched seconds later.

"He said when he got called out, he said he thought Hunico was playing," Konnan said. "He said that out loud, and I'm thinking to myself, then why did he throw the first punch?"

Konnan then was asked about Sheamus' fight with Yoshi Tatsu before they made it to the main roster, and the Cuban wrestler said Sheamus had asked him to borrow some money. Konnan said Tatsu kept asking him for the money back repeatedly, and kept getting an excuse. He didn't know if they were roommates or if Tatsu showed up at his door, but Konnan said he "slapped the s--t out of him" after approaching him one last time. The co-host confirmed after hearing the story from Tatsu backstage, he ended up getting his money back.
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