Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

All them ribs poking out ain't nice. Minimal boobs. (I like boobs so she already kinda lost me)Nice legs. Small mass amplified by rear view mirror angles. And Reigns already melting on promos. :lol:
Her butt probably looks good naked. She doesn't have MASS, but it probably has a little cuff underneath. You would hit without any erectile dysfunction. Stop fakin
Her butt probably looks good naked. She doesn't have MASS, but it probably has a little cuff underneath. You would hit without any erectile dysfunction. Stop fakin
You're damn right. And I'm far from ED. Wifey and old exes will vouch for that. I'd give her that work. She's just not my favorite. :lol:
****! I forgot we still got the sthwagger and Rusev match. :frown: I hope vince hears these boring chants.
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I think the last time I was this disinterested in the WWE, one of the Basham Brothers was taking a Gunn-Holly Bomb on Velocity
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