Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

I got 2 sick kids and both me and the wife are coming down with something...I can't keep my eyes open and Raw being awful ain't making it any easier..Good night boys..Hope Raw ends up being better for you buys..See ya tomorrow..
Lemme guess. Harper pins ziggler clean in this match.
Lesnar returns to wash jericho.
Cena proves that he can beat rollins by himself.
No mention will be made of nxt excellent show to promote the network.
Waymon Rains will cut another struggle promo
And at some point the ******* rabbit will show up.

I'll see you guys Thursday.
I got 2 sick kids and both me and the wife are coming down with something...I can't keep my eyes open and Raw being awful ain't making it any easier..Good night boys..Hope Raw ends up being better for you buys..See ya tomorrow..

Get well soon fam.

Been having problems with migraines myself...still gotta go to work :smh:

Hope Raw ends up being at least passable for my NTWT brethren.
Viewing party of Hey man Dvd?

Tomorrow night

*push Rowan as the next 'big threat'*

*loses clean two nights in a row*

what the hell does this company even think like
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