Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

All this Jericho slander :smh: :smh: :smh:
Yes, what he's doing right now is pretty unfortunate. However, he's one of the best ever.
I don't know who they trying to bury in this fued. Ryback cause he gonna eat a pin or tap out or Rusev cause he gonna lose 20 years off his life?
Nope Sasha been had those skills she did the indys before she got signed. Charlotte is most improved. She couldn't even have a full match in 2013
I agree. When doing movesets for 2K14, I watched some of Sasha's old matches since, at the time, she didn't have much film in NXT. So she did have skills.

And CHarlotte did come a long way, but she was essentially the Roman Reigns of the NXT WOmen's division. They knew from the jump she was going to be the star. Sasha played the post when Charlotte and Summer Rae were doing the whole BFF thing. Sasha was always in the background and then BAM, became an important player.

But I see your point
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