Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Tyson going after Nikki on the low
^ I feel more bad for Fandango. He's a pretty decent worker but got stuck with this gimmick.

What was the point of him getting repackaged? Brooding Fandango?
Also I don't think Seth has necessarily aligned himself with Brock and Heyman now.

I looked at it more as a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation.
A few things as I'm watching RAW on my DVR. Here are a few thoughts so far....

- Jericho is corny as hell. Jericho was my #1 favorite wrestler for a long time but this past year his character has annoyed me and hes also been super annoying on his own podcast. And what's with the super gay scarf and deep double v-neck?

-I don't care what anyone says. Seth has been a GREAT heel. Aside from the part time champion techincally seth is the company's #1 heel and has done a damn good job.

-tyson is gold. Normally male wrestlers have a female vallet but this looks like natties vallet is tyson Kidd. :lol: crazy what NXT can do to a mid carder who had no charisma or personality. They were talking of repackaging him with a mask but he's done a great job of being the spotlight stealing douche :lol:
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Or FOURTH :lol: :lol:

Knowing WWE... and the WWE realizing they probably won't re-sign Brock Lesnar after Wrestlemania.

Brock beats Cena, probably due to some sort of interference from Rollins.

Rollins cashes in on Brock, wins.

Reigns wins Rumble.

Rollins vs Brock Vs Cena and others in an elimination match, Rollins wins, only because Cena and Lesnar did something to cancel each other out.

Cena vs Brock IV at Mania, Cena finally gets his win

Reigns defeats Rollins at Mania (Though I would prefer Seth keeps it.).

Sounds terrible but WWE usually changes it up when it looks too obvious, even if the obvious outcome is better.
Jericho loves getting washed. :lol:

He probably thinks back to his his time in WCW when none of the old geezers would put the young guys over. So he's being the change that he seeks. Doing for others what wasn't done for him.

It's the same spots every cage match guy crawls for the door opponent grabs his leg n pulls him back in such lazy storytelling

I swear you guys just love complaining. I'm sure we can go back every one's favorite period the Attitude Era and we'd find this spot in every cage match from there too.
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