Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

i was there. got a pic with a guys winged eagle that nigh too. awesome night.

Man I miss cody Rhodes. I hope they give him a legit push and gimmick after this stardust trash. He's taken every ****** gimmick and taken it by the horns. Dude deserves to sniff the main event or think of him feuding with ziggles for the IC belt. :pimp:
Rolling Stones names my dad zigg zagg wrassler of the year

Ziggler? Wrestler most likely to have a short career? Dude OVERsells way too much.

Renee young named jack swagger as one of her favorite wrestlers to interview. :nerd: am I missing something? Dude has no personaliTHy
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Punk on Highly Questionable right now. Bomani and LeBatard really trying to coax something out of him...
So is it the writing that keeping undtaker away or contract or what.
The streak ended and NOTHING ... they should have made him champ becuase ( insert brock lesnar slander)
Damn, with work, work, and did I mention, work, I havent been able to keep up with the thread or shows. Fell asleep during RAW and the live Smackdown.

I'll be finishing up my NT Secret Santa and then some.

Are people opening up their gifts or opening it on Xmas? I forget if I waited lor not last year.

Off to go to my coaching gig, dont think I'll be getting any wins with my team, shiet, we just finally scored 20 points TOTAL in 10 games, with 3 left. We're worse than the Bad News Bears.
Damn, with work, work, and did I mention, work, I havent been able to keep up with the thread or shows. Fell asleep during RAW and the live Smackdown.

I'll be finishing up my NT Secret Santa and then some.

Are people opening up their gifts or opening it on Xmas? I forget if I waited lor not last year.

Off to go to my coaching gig, dont think I'll be getting any wins with my team, shiet, we just finally scored 20 points TOTAL in 10 games, with 3 left. We're worse than the Bad News Bears.

Strong STYLEZ bretheren...i never thought i'd hear those kind of failure words from my manager.....you need to teach them the STRONG STYLEZ way!!!

ALSO! just shipped out my gifts to my SS elf. feelin....

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should be arriving in Houston on monday :pimp:
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