Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Been absent for the last 45 min or so....Celtics/Wiz was great. This show is not.
Vince put that hit on bryan

Jericho getting nominated but Cody did the same thing this past year if I remember correctly. Or that was late last year?

If you're talking about the moonsault off the cage, then it was probably last year when the Rhodes Bros were feuding with the New Age Outlaws...I think Cody or Road Dogg got hurt during that spot :x
Vince put that hit on bryan

Jericho getting nominated but Cody did the same thing this past year if I remember correctly. Or that was late last year?

If you're talking about the moonsault off the cage, then it was probably last year when the Rhodes Bros were feuding with the New Age Outlaws...I think Cody or Road Dogg got hurt during that spot :x
Cody did since road dog didn't protect him
If you're talking about the moonsault off the cage, then it was probably last year when the Rhodes Bros were feuding with the New Age Outlaws...I think Cody or Road Dogg got hurt during that spot :x
If I remember correctly, Road Dogg botched the spot and caught him wrong...
I was there live for the Jericho crossbody. It looked dope in person. Not so much on replay...
What is that macho man collectors set
Seems like Savage is finally getting induction to the HOF :pimp:

....Stephanie's gonna induct him, right? :nerd:
Surprised the buttons didn't fly off Arby D's tuxedo shirt while he was talking.
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