Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

They let Bray have the theatrics and long entrance on the main roster. Don't see why they wouldn't let Balor get it as well. I can definitely see the Hardy comparisons.
wish they kept willie mack and chris hero....and signed ricochet and davey richards.... why are they using drake younger as a ref.... if they had all these on the NXT roster... plus KENTA balor steen and zayn.... man.....
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wish they kept willie mack and chris hero....and signed ricochet and davey richards.... why are they using drake younger as a ref.... if they had all these on the NXT roster... plus KENTA balor steen and zayn.... man.....
give nxt 2-3 hours and id never watch raw.
This is what i want the main product to be like lol future stars, room for improvement and no creative handcuffs, good stories in and out the ring, less fillers and last but not least. NOT SUCK *** COMMENTARY! If this is foreshadowing what Trips can do with full power to the main show then I'm ready for the takeover 
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