Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

lajgel;kajgl;keajg;lkaejg;lkajg  HHH couldn't help himself.  He had to Pedigree the main eventer in the "biggest match in WWE history"
So Steph was a former Women's Champion but can't handle a simple shoulder bump from Randy?..Makes sense..
One of the best Raw endings this year.

I'm happy I didn't miss that.
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But, why is Cena there shrugging at Randy????? Why did HHH takeout the Main Event guy. Hell of a Superkick on Punk.
lajgel;kajgl;keajg;lkaejg;lkajg  HHH couldn't help himself.  He had to Pedigree the main eventer in the "biggest match in WWE history"

:lol: Was thinking the exacttt same thing.. of course he had to get the last finisher in there for that pop.
I didn't bother watching but tuned in to see how much they ran over time and this dude Trips is ending the show with a Pedigree and his song playing? The nerve of this guy :lol:
I don't know what just watched man. What was that? All of it. What was it? I was glued but what was that?
That's how you sell a PPV.

First time watching a live RAW finish in a while and it was a good one.
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