Wrestling Thread Feb 7-13 | 2/13 TNA Against All Odds - Angle vs Jarrett | Anderson vs Jeff Hardy

had that been orton bleeding, he would cry to vince like a little girl

hope he breaks his collarbone, that douche

thanks to our savior, cm god for saving that promo
had that been orton bleeding, he would cry to vince like a little girl

hope he breaks his collarbone, that douche

thanks to our savior, cm god for saving that promo
Oh yea Trips? That's what you've been up too lately
Oh yea Trips? That's what you've been up too lately
So they basically build and blow off a "two year program" in 5 minutes?  Kind of stupid, especially if this is going through WrestleMania.

Imagine if the trainer would have ran into the ring to clean up Punk's nose during that segment.

Our first chance to see how awful Mason Ryan is.....
So they basically build and blow off a "two year program" in 5 minutes?  Kind of stupid, especially if this is going through WrestleMania.

Imagine if the trainer would have ran into the ring to clean up Punk's nose during that segment.

Our first chance to see how awful Mason Ryan is.....
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

My guess is The Rock will be wrestlemania's guest host. Perfect time for him to promote The Fast and Furious as well during that time.

the arena would errupt. hopefully he comes out to his old theme, not that hollywood crap
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

My guess is The Rock will be wrestlemania's guest host. Perfect time for him to promote The Fast and Furious as well during that time.

the arena would errupt. hopefully he comes out to his old theme, not that hollywood crap
Lmfao, "WE'RE IN MILWAUKEE, NOT GREEN BAY YOU FOOL." Lmfao @ the crowd
. Epic.
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