Wrestling Thread Jan 18-24 | 1/22 Smackdown - Batista vs Finlay | Jericho/McIntyre vs Morrison

Oct 15, 2000


I really had high hopes for TNA. I really wanted things to work. Granted, we're only three shows in to the new regime, but to me it really, really feelslike WCW circa 2000, only worse since they're on a lower budget and the talent is 10 years older. This wasn't supposed to be WWE Light. This wassupposed to give wrestling fans an option. Not just if they want to see crap sports entertainment on two different channels. I wasn't very impressed withlast night's PPV. The wrestling was not very good minus the main event. There were too many garbage segments. And I just don't want to see Hogan,Bischoff, Hall, Nash, etc etc etc. And the surprise that was going to change the industry is Ken Anderson? Give me a break. I'm not giving up on the TNAexperiment yet, but considering who is in charge, I don't have high hopes right now.

Tonight's Raw is hosted by Don Johnson and Napoleon Dynamite. That's the last I'll talk about that.

Bret Hart makes his return to Raw tonight. Well, actually Vince McMahon last week said that Bret Hart would never be in the WWE again. Apparently Bret hasthe same agent as Chris Jericho because he will be on the show despite Vince's statement. I'm holding my breath on this Bret Hart angle. I wasn'tthrilled with how it got started, but I have to think that they put some serious thought into this program, so hopefully things get heated up tonight.

And what are the odds that Jericho's on Raw tonight? I'll say at least 1 to 2.

The Undertaker will address Shawn Michaels' WrestleMania rematch challenge tonight. I think it is a HUGE mistake to have a rematch with these two atWrestleMania. There is no way they can possibly equal last year's performance. Shawn may still have it, but Taker is rapidly, rapidly decaying. His bodyjust can't take it anymore. Assuming the match is made tonight, I'm hoping that it leads to the end of DX.

I'm assuming we'll have another match in the Maryse Invitational to become the new Divas Champion.

I'm actually interested in Sheamus vs Orton at The Rumble. It's a new, fresh match, and I'll be very interested to see which way they go with it. It will also be really interesting to see how fans take to the match considering both are full fledged heels.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Bret Hart makes his return to Raw tonight. Well, actually Vince McMahon last week said that Bret Hart would never be in the WWE again. Apparently Bret has the same agent as Chris Jericho because he will be on the show despite Vince's statement.
TNA was awful last night, hopefully Raw isn't as bad with these two dudes hosting.
Before tonight's TNA iMPACT tapings began in Orlando, members of the TNA staff addressed the crowd at the iMPACT Zone about their behavior.

Fans were told not to curse, make obscene gestures or gang signs. The fans were referred to as "cast members" and were basically told they needed to be quiet, according to a fan in attendance.

This is likely another decision made by Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, who haven't been pleased with some of the reactions from the TNA crowd lately.
TNA was hot garbage last night, and from the spoilers it's only gonna get worse. WWE will never have any comp as long as Hogan has his handson TNA
Backstage WWE Reaction To Orton-Kingston RAW Incident
When Randy Orton loudly chastised Kofi Kingston at the conclusion of the triple threat match on RAW last week, it was clear that "The Viper" was doing more than simply portraying a character-he was legitimately upset with Kingston.

And, based on how everything lined up, it was pretty obvious that Kingston messed up the timing of the the finish, forcing Orton to rush the delivery of his RKO manuever.

According to sources, while some might have considered Orton's reaction-bringing attention to the error on live television-to be unprofessional, the feeling backstage is that Orton is respected and tenured enough for the action not to warrant any second guessing. In fact, the word going around is that no one backstage was even talking about the incident that night.

4-Sided Ring Reaction
Reaction among wrestlers to the company's decision to replace the six-sided ring with a traditional ring is said to be mixed. None of the workers were informed of the change before they arrived to the building for the show, so there was much shock upon arrival. The decision to get rid of TNA's former trademark was made by both Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff. At one point, there were plans for Hogan to take part in angle where he would destroy the six-sided ring on iMPACT!, but there was concern it wouldn't get over with the fans and thus was dropped.
The Reason Why Flair Is Working As A Heel
The basic idea backstage within TNA with Ric Flair is for him to give rubs to other stars, starting with AJ Styles. According to Dave Meltzer, this will eventually lead up to Ric Flair vs. Sting. Flair wanted to be a heel again because he prefers being in that role.
Quick Question: I know Shawn Michaels used painkillers, but what other drugs did he use? Cocaine?
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Backstage WWE Reaction To Orton-Kingston RAW Incident
When Randy Orton loudly chastised Kofi Kingston at the conclusion of the triple threat match on RAW last week, it was clear that "The Viper" was doing more than simply portraying a character-he was legitimately upset with Kingston.

And, based on how everything lined up, it was pretty obvious that Kingston messed up the timing of the the finish, forcing Orton to rush the delivery of his RKO manuever.

According to sources, while some might have considered Orton's reaction-bringing attention to the error on live television-to be unprofessional, the feeling backstage is that Orton is respected and tenured enough for the action not to warrant any second guessing. In fact, the word going around is that no one backstage was even talking about the incident that night.

For those that missed it (at 6:40):
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

The Reason Why Flair Is Working As A Heel
The basic idea backstage within TNA with Ric Flair is for him to give rubs to other stars, starting with AJ Styles. According to Dave Meltzer, this will eventually lead up to Ric Flair vs. Sting. Flair wanted to be a heel again because he prefers being in that role.

If he wrestles again, I will lose all respect forhim
Originally Posted by Fast Turtle

If he wrestles again, I will lose all respect for him
Can't wait for the "VINTAGE" Flair, with his back body drop and knife edge chops

Also, I doubt it will be just Sheamus vs Orton, I'm calling a Triple Threat, WWE will squeeze Cena into the mix somehow tonight or next week.
chillainvillain wrote:
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Backstage WWE Reaction To Orton-Kingston RAW Incident
When Randy Orton loudly chastised Kofi Kingston at the conclusion of the triple threat match on RAW last week, it was clear that "The Viper" was doing more than simply portraying a character-he was legitimately upset with Kingston.

And, based on how everything lined up, it was pretty obvious that Kingston messed up the timing of the the finish, forcing Orton to rush the delivery of his RKO manuever.

According to sources, while some might have considered Orton's reaction-bringing attention to the error on live television-to be unprofessional, the feeling backstage is that Orton is respected and tenured enough for the action not to warrant any second guessing. In fact, the word going around is that no one backstage was even talking about the incident that night.

For those that missed it (at 6:40):

I knew it. From the moment it went down I had a feeling it had to be pertaining to that. That whole match was sloppy. Kofi 2nd-guessed that double team suplexwith John Cena and the match just felt sluggish.
What Up Fellas? WWE is coming with a supershow to the HP Pavilion in San Jose. The last show before Wrestlemania. Anyone down to go? Im attending no doubtabout it.
Originally Posted by Fast Turtle

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

The Reason Why Flair Is Working As A Heel
The basic idea backstage within TNA with Ric Flair is for him to give rubs to other stars, starting with AJ Styles. According to Dave Meltzer, this will eventually lead up to Ric Flair vs. Sting. Flair wanted to be a heel again because he prefers being in that role.
If he wrestles again, I will lose all respect for him

he already wrestled hogan on his "countdown to killing TNA tour"
Originally Posted by Fast Turtle

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

The Reason Why Flair Is Working As A Heel
The basic idea backstage within TNA with Ric Flair is for him to give rubs to other stars, starting with AJ Styles. According to Dave Meltzer, this will eventually lead up to Ric Flair vs. Sting. Flair wanted to be a heel again because he prefers being in that role.
If he wrestles again, I will lose all respect for him

He already wrestled in Australia.
Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

What Up Fellas? WWE is coming with a supershow to the HP Pavilion in San Jose. The last show before Wrestlemania. Anyone down to go? Im attending no doubt about it.

I wanna go so bad, but I'm broke like Rack Em Willie.
Just finished watching the Bret Hart DVD collection, so I'm pretty excited for tonight.
Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

What Up Fellas? WWE is coming with a supershow to the HP Pavilion in San Jose. The last show before Wrestlemania. Anyone down to go? Im attending no doubt about it.

I wanna go so bad, but I'm broke like Rack Em Willie.
Make some money haha. They got these 4 packs on row 2 for 200 each. I doubt I can find 2 people who will wanna drop that amount but I think Imight.
Shawn needs to stop with the DX gear, he looks so ridiculous. The music, I can understand, but these jerseys, wristbands and headbands around the thigharen't doing ittt...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Fast Turtle

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

The Reason Why Flair Is Working As A Heel
The basic idea backstage within TNA with Ric Flair is for him to give rubs to other stars, starting with AJ Styles. According to Dave Meltzer, this will eventually lead up to Ric Flair vs. Sting. Flair wanted to be a heel again because he prefers being in that role.
If he wrestles again, I will lose all respect for him
He already wrestled in Australia.

I actually forgot he was on the Hulkamania Tour despite that less than flattering pic that surfaced
But I mean wrestling not only on TV in the US, but for another top promotionafter the send off they gave him would be the ultimate slap in the face.
Interesting news article about Survivor Series' dismal buy rate.

[h1]WWE's 2009 Survivor Series Staggeringly Low Buy-Rate[/h1]
I was milling through the Internet, as I usually do, and I found a rather interesting article about 2009's Survivor Series buy-rate.

It said that the buy-rate for 2009's Survivor Series was down a stunning 29.5 percent from only a year ago, and even 34percent down from 2007. Only 225,000 homes bought the pay-per-view, to put this in perspective 211,000 homes bought "Breaking Point" in its first year as a PPV.

I'm sure the head honchos at WWE were not to pleased to find this out, considering that Survivor Series is supposed to be one of the "Big Four" PPV's, (Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, and Summerslam being the other three), that WWE produces every year. Usually these pay-per-views draw large buys and create huge revenues; to say that they failed would be a massive understatement.

I know that the economy is in a downward spiral and that has caused PPV buys to drop lower than they have in years, but that had nothing to do with it.

Now there are a couple of reasons that the buy-rate was so low. The angles were terrible and creative was caught in transitional phases of their two top titles.

It just doesn't make sense to me that the folks in creative thought that it would be a great idea to go with the same angles for the two big matches of the night. To be honest there was more hype surrounding the two elimination matches, Team Kofi vs. Team Orton and Team Miz vs. Team Morrison.

What also didn't help was that it seemed like the members of DX weren't even taking the title shot seriously. They were to busy chasing around a ****** and making sex jokes with John Cena. For two guys that love the business as much as anyone in the WWE (HHH and Shawn Michaels) you would think that their goal would to be the world champion right? No they were more concerned that Hornswaggle was going around and using DX's trademark crotch chops and wearing their shirts and armbands.

Despite the lacking storyline they proved why they are the top guys in the business because they put on an entertaining match and gave us some great moments to take away from the match.

It also didn't help that they were going with same, will they or won't they betray each other storyline for the World Heavyweight Title as well. Jericho is money in everything he does, but even the 2008 superstar of the year had a hard time trying to get it off the ground. It worked better because it seemed like Jericho and Big Show actually cared about winning the match and would do anything to win it.

If you want people to see your product you have to make them interested in buying it, you can't just simply go "Hey here are the top guys in the company, so you should buy our pay-per-view," it just doesn't work that way. The reason why over 100,000 more people bought Summerslam was because they had a match and storyline you cared about it with the Jeff Hardy and CM Punk TLC match.

I hope that more than anything this teaches WWE that if they want people to be interested in their massive amount of Pay-Per-Views they are going to have to produce fresh storylines and make people want to buy there product. And especially with TNA ready to pounce and make an impact (pun kind of intended), WWE really can't afford to make mistakes like this anymore.

Here are the actual numbers:
Survivor Series 2009 : 225,000
Survivor Series 2008 : 319,000
Survivor Series 2007 : 341,000
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