Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

Curtis AxelVerified account ‏@RealCurtisAxel

The people know! You all saw it! Trending world wide during whole #RoyalRumble. I want my #WRESTLEMANIA match!

my man :pimp:

i wouldn't mind if they put him in the picture, might be good for business after this RR screw up
Man as much as I hate the current product right now I will be keeping my subscription based on the fact I watch all of the old stuff and it's just 10 bucks. Tonight was the first time though I had contemplated getting rid of it

Still thinking about. Them nxt live specials is keeping me from doing it
Man as much as I hate the current product right now I will be keeping my subscription based on the fact I watch all of the old stuff and it's just 10 bucks. Tonight was the first time though I had contemplated getting rid of it

I just got signed up Friday night :lol: but will be keeping for the same reasons as you.
If you're a seasonal wrestling fan, I don't blame you from cancelling

But as a hardcore fan, I'm keeping it solely for the PPVs and NXT alone as well as being able to easily access anything I want
i dont care what yall do...i'm happy paying just 10 bucks for all the content i get...i get it's to stick it to vince but i'm sure the BOOs was more than enough....don't need to go cancel my network only to resubscribe in a few weeks
Curtis AxelVerified account ‏@RealCurtisAxel

The people know! You all saw it! Trending world wide during whole #RoyalRumble. I want my #WRESTLEMANIA match!

my man
They don't wanna listen.
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I just got signed up Friday night :lol: but will be keeping for the same reasons as you.

That alone is worth 10 bucks to me. Been a subscriber since day 1 and regardless of how poor the product is the old stuff lets me relive the good moments and enjoy that since it sucks *** right now.
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As much as I hate the product, i'll watch just to see my favorite wrestlers. Shoot, once all my dudes are done makng their appearances, i usually turn off Raw
John Cena could pull such a heel turn. A la Bret in 97. He won't ever do it but it could be epic, because it would be the same premise
I have no hope in anyone on the current roster besides Rollins.  I like Reigns and I'm glad he won but they ****** him on this one.

DBry had his moment last year and we all enjoyed it.  I pray that Rollins closes out Mania with the strap after cashing in and if Reigns wins, this is the beginning of Cena 2.0.

Here's to another 10 lackluster years.
Alright guys I got a serious question for you..What rating do you give the Triple Threat Title match and how does it stack up to your favorite WrestleKingdom 9 match?..

I still think Nakamura vs. Ibushi the MOTY..I got the B/S/C title match 2nd..And Okada vs. Tanahashi in 3rd..
I don't have a subscription I use my cousins but he's keeping it to see nxt sting Seth Ziggler and maybe taker this year
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