Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Can't blame him honestly they stroll Batista off the street and right into the title picture it's a joke

The whole company is honestly wrestlemania should be a chance to reward the guys that bust their hump everyday not a cash grab where they throw out a bunch of fossils to make a quick buck

Actually he told Helwani that he had no problem with Batista coming back and being thrown in the front of the line bc he signed a long term contract unlike The Rock. I'm sure he is still pissed though but he is usually a straight shooter with his opinion.

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Actually he told Helwani that he had no problem with Batista coming back with him coming back and being thrown in the front of the line bc he signed a long term contract unlike The Rock. I'm sure he is still pissed though but he is usually a straight shooter with his opinion.


I didn't think Punk thought he would get a title shot. This are punks last few months. Just give him the title and main event mania just for one year. After all he's done for the company/
If I were Punk, I'd leave for long period of time.  Recent history says I'll get a push and a title shot when I get back.  Minus whale, everyone else is doing it.
Yes he's very whiny but he's finally taking action again and going home and not having any of it. There only so much pushing you can do for yourself before it becomes pointless
good for Punk; the WWE product is terrible

I came back for the Rumble which sucked and I couldn't even get through RAW on Monday, I'm tired of seeing the same old stars doing the same old thing they did 10 years ago while new talent is pretty much buried
Im not sure how I feel about Bryan/HHH. I mean am I really supposed to believe that the Shovel is going to do anything but try to bury D Bry which would set him back again for the title. If its not going to be the Summer of Punk V2. Then it should definitely be the Summer of D Bry if they want to keep ratings over the summer. 

I mean HHH didnt even job to Brock. It would take a miracle for him to come back and wrestle his "every couple months I come out of retirement" match only to job to a guy that he has been trying to bury unsuccessfully for the last 5+ months. 
Yea, if they have finally come around and are behind Bryan now and he gets a guaranteed title shot (and the plans are for him to win going into the summer) then I can get behind that feud for WM. Just feel like thats still a longshot for HHH to job to Bryan @ WM at this point.

The authority storyline is getting old as it is because no1 seems to get the better of the authority. Atleast Vince knew how to do it back in the day. The closest anyone has gotten to getting the better of the authority in-ring is punk getting a punch or 2 in on HHH. But then HBK superkicked him to take care of that while HHH Pedigreed the WWE Champion and cleared the ring. He's yet to catch a running knee or a GTS. Vince would have caught like 20 Stunners and lost @ 2 PPVs by now.

The fans are the only ones getting the better of the authority right now because they refuse to acknowledge anything except Bryan.
so the Mountie did not show up Sunday because he was at the Grammys
Wow, I said he should walk out on raw. He apparently walked out Sunday night. This is awesome.
Dudes stay taking shots at The Miz. Big Slow has been in main events for the title getting all kinds of TV time. He has three moves sucks on the mic can't even move anymore. Punk could of have Big Slows TV time.
With the change in plans to have D Bry face HHH...I agree if he wins at WM it should thus lead to a title shot, if not at the next PPV then at RAW the next night! Have him win like Ziggler won.

Also with Shield vs Wyatts in EC...and stupid Christian in the EC...it leaves us open for a Brock vs Batista match at EC.

Hopefully that happens although I have no idea how they would play that out...I doubt they want either of these guys to lose until Mania
Another pipe bomb seems inevitable.

Big Show could go in the ring if he sped his character up instead of being the slow giant. He's an agile dude.
Another pipe bomb seems inevitable.

Big Show could go in the ring if he sped his character up instead of being the slow giant. He's an agile dude.

I've been saying the same thing. I'm actually a fan of show, but he's just slower than what he should be.
Yeah I've never seen a superheavyweight do a dropkick from the top rope. Wasn't he also practicing moonsaults for something
Countdown till reports of Batista ******g Aj. DEAL WITH IT PUNK

And no one has to worry about Kenta not having a finisher anymore
Can't blame him honestly they stroll Batista off the street and right into the title picture it's a joke

The whole company is honestly wrestlemania should be a chance to reward the guys that bust their hump everyday not a cash grab where they throw out a bunch of fossils to make a quick buck

Actually he told Helwani that he had no problem with Batista coming back and being thrown in the front of the line bc he signed a long term contract unlike The Rock. I'm sure he is still pissed though but he is usually a straight shooter with his opinion.


Punks in denial. The Rock was at 3 consecutive WMs. Batista walks off the street Monday, then wins the RR Sunday. Which sounds more ridiculous? Punk just sour they made the Rock end his reign.
-TMZ.com reports that Matt Hardy and his wife Reby Sky were arrested at a motel in Virginia earlier this month after a bloody domestic brawl.

A hotel staffer called 911 and said, “A guest just came down here and said somebody’s beating the hell out of his wife a girl or something.”

When cops arrived to the scene, both Matt and Sky were arrested for assault and battery. They were released on $3,500 bail.

Matt and Sky got restraining orders against each other.

View media item 773133View media item 773134Matt hardy still living in the attitude era when the male wrestlers would wrestle the divas
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