Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Real Americans v Rey & Sin Cara.  miz v Dolph Ziggler.  Something with Fandango...  We're getting an awful lot of filler crap on this show.
Surprisingly no mention of batista or Orton making their confrontation yet. Typical for the rumble winner to confront the champ night after rumble right?
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BNB could've done better with all the ammo for Cleveland. I mean, Miz is their representative. That's a novel's worth right there.
Unless Orton is losing at the EC (which I doubt), Batista is not gonna be repackaged as Heeltista in his program with Orton.
Why the hell is R-Truth going over people? What did this match even accomplish :lol:

This is the first time I'm watching Raw live since like September and I'm ready to tap out :smh:
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